Category Archives: Members

Evelina Peneva

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish and French

Field of work: lit­er­ary trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy:

1990 – 1995 School for For­eign Lan­guages “Doc­tor Petar Ber­on”, Kyustendil; First lan­guage – French, second lan­guage – Eng­lish.

1995 – 1999 School of Basic Edu­ca­tion and Under­gradu­ate school, For­eign Lan­guages and Lit­er­at­ures Depart­ment, New Bul­gari­an Uni­ver­sity, Sofia

2000, Bach­el­or of Applied Lin­guist­ics; pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­fic­a­tion “Trans­lat­or – Inter­pret­er” – French and Eng­lish.

2002 – 2004, Gradu­ate School, For­eign Lan­guages and Lit­er­at­ures Depart­ment, New Bul­gari­an Uni­ver­sity, Sofia.

2010, Mas­ter. Spe­cialty “Trans­la­tion”, MA pro­gram “The­ory and prac­tice of trans­la­tion and inter­pret­a­tion”; pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­fic­a­tion “philologist-translator with two lan­guages”, Eng­lish and French.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • The Treas­on of Ghost by Paul Doherty;
  • Open by Andre Agassi;
  • Trans­form­a­tion by Richard Band­ler;
  • The Pas­sage by Justin Cronin;
  • The Twelve by Justin Cronin,
  • The Feath­er Men by Ran­ulph Fiennes;
  • The King’s Speech by Mark Logue and Peter Con­radi;
  • All our Yes­ter­day by Cristin Ter­rill;
  • The Silk Road by Colin Falkon­er;
  • The Stig­mata by Colin Falkon­er;
  • The Night­mare Place by Steve Mosby;
  • Petit Hec­tor apprend la vie, François Lel­ord;
  • A Walk among the Tomb­stones by Lawrence Block.



mobile: 0887 20 71 15; 0886 40 13 99

Milena Emilova Popova

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish

Field of work: English-language fic­tion and non-fiction in the human­it­ies

Short bio­graphy: Milena Pop­ova was born in Sofia and gradu­ated in Bul­gari­an Philo­logy from Sofia Uni­ver­sity. She has trans­lated nov­els, short stor­ies and plays, as well as texts on lit­er­at­ure stud­ies, polit­ics, philo­sophy, art, etc. Over the past 15 years, she has also worked as an edit­or of both fic­tion and non­fic­tion texts in trans­la­tion.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Bron­islaw Malin­owski, A Sci­entif­ic The­ory of Cul­ture. The Func­tion­al The­ory, 2004
  • Car­ol Shields, The Stone Diar­ies, 2005
  • Dav­id Lodge, Home Truths, 2005
  • Tru­man Capote, А Tree of the Night and Oth­er Stor­ies, 2009
  • Jef­frey Eugen­ides, Middle­sex, 2009
  • Ruth Praw­er Jhab­vala, Heat and Dust, 2012
  • Dav­id Mameth, Theatre, 2014
  • Siri Hustvedt, Sum­mer Without Men, 2014
  • E. L. Doc­torow, Andrew’s Brain, 2016
  • Siri Hustvedt, The Blaz­ing World, 2017
  • Jef­frey Moore, The Extinc­tion Club, 2017


  • Winner of the spe­cial 2017 Krastan Dyankov Trans­la­tion Award.


  • milena_popova [at] abv​.bg

Hayri Hasan Hamdan

Work­ing lan­guages: Bul­gari­an, Arab­ic & Eng­lish lan­guage.

Field of work: Fic­tion & human­it­ies.

Short bio­graphy: Hayri Ham­dan was born in 1962 at Der Sharaf, Palestine, In 1967 his fam­ily moves to Jordan, where gradu­ates high school. Ham­dan has been liv­ing in Bul­garia since 1982. He gradu­ated uni­ver­sity in Sofia, where he obtained mas­ter­’s degree in the field of engin­eer­ing. Hayri Ham­dan got mar­ried in 1989. He has three daugh­ters.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

Pub­lished books in Bul­gari­an:

  • 1993 “Eyes of a storm” – Poetry col­lec­tion, Pub­lish­ing house “Pro­zoretz”
  • 2000 “Mari­am­in” – Poetry col­lec­tion, PAN Pub­lish­ing House,
  • 2005 “Chron­ic Love” & “Alive in a caner king­dom” – Poetry col­lec­tion & nov­el
  • 2007 – “European in the wrong times” – Nov­el, Pub­lish­ing House “Delfin”
  • 2008 – “Does any­body hear me”- Play, The Red House Cen­ter for Cul­ture and Debate – Sofia, won reward from European Pro­gramme for Integ­ra­tion and Migra­tion

Pub­lished books in Ara­bi­an:

  • 2011 “Let me live, let me die” – Play, Egyp­tian pub­lish­ing house “Noon”
  • 2014 “Seduc­tion of  middle-aged”, A short story col­lec­tion, “Azmena” Pub­lish­ing House in Jordan
  • 2015 – “Rest­less souls” – Nov­el, Alber­uni pub­lish­ing house in Jordan

Trans­la­tions from Arab­ic into Bul­gari­an

  • 2014 “The Con­voy of Thirst” for San­aa Shalan
  • 2015 “A call true the night” for Mah­moud al-Rimawy, Pub­lish­ing house “Ergo”

Trans­la­tions from Bul­gari­an into Arab­ic

  • 2015 “Antho­logy for mod­ern Bul­gari­an poetry in Arab­ic: “The wind blew my words away – Al-Biruni Pub­lish­ing House. 2016 Nom­in­ated for a reward from Peroto Lit­er­at­ure Club
  • 2015 “The sev­en gifts from Scheherazade”, for Emil Geor­giev, Alber­uni Pub­lish­ing house in Jordan
  • 2016 – “You are a smart kid, Tino!” – Al Ahlia Pub­lish­ing house

Awards: Hayri Ham­dan has won a few world­wide lit­er­at­ure prizes in Egypt & Saudi Ara­bia. His work is trans­lated in Eng­lish, French, Span­ish and Itali­an lan­guages.

Con­tact: Tel: 0877748644, Email:

Slava Yanakieva

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, Rus­si­an

Field of work: Medi­ev­al Drama, Visu­al Arts, Social Stud­ies, Theo­logy.

Short bio­graphy: Slava Yana­kieva is an aca­dem­ic research­er in Cul­tur­al Stud­ies. She is a part-time lec­turer at the St Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia (Depart­ment of Cul­tur­al Stud­ies) since 2000 and at the Nation­al Academy of Art (Depart­ment of Sceno­graphy) since 2016. She holds a PhD from the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia for her dis­ser­ta­tion on  Top­ics of Sac­red­ness in Cine­ma­to­graphy. Dr. Yana­kieva is a full mem­ber of the Insti­tute of Medi­ev­al Philo­sophy and Cul­ture, the Byz­an­ti­um Work­ing Group, the Uni­on of Bul­gari­an Act­ors (Guild of Theatre Crit­ics), the Uni­on of Bul­gari­an Film Makers (Guild of Film Crit­ics). She is a co-author of two read­ers in Medi­ev­al Visu­al Cul­ture and author of many art­icles and book chapters on Medi­ev­al Visu­al and Fest­ive Cul­ture as well as on Reli­gious Cinema.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Ziz­ioulas, Jean, Being as Com­mu­nion: Stud­ies in Per­son­hood and the Church (St. Vladimir’s Sem­in­ary Press, 1985) / Иоан Д. Зизиулас, Битието като общение, Фондация „Комунитас”, София, 2013
  • Kan­torow­icz, Ernst Hartwig, The King’s Two Bod­ies: Study in Medi­aev­al Polit­ic­al Theo­logy (Prin­ceton Uni­ver­sity Press, 1997) / Ернст Канторовиц, Двете тела на краля. Изследване на Средновековното политическо богословие), ИК “Лик”, София, 2004
  • Arch­bish­op Kal­lis­tos Ware, The Mys­tery of Per­son­hood. Essays on Hesychasm, 2002. / Архиепископ Калистос (Уеър), Тайнството на човешката личност. Исихастки студии, Лик, София, 2002
  • Florovsky, Georges, The Byz­antine Fath­ers of the Sixth to Eighth Cen­tury, 2000 / Георгий Флоровски, Византийските отци. V‑VІІІ век., Тавор, София, 2000
  • Florovsky, Georges, The East­ern Fath­ers of the Fourth Cen­tury, 1999 / Георгий Флоровски, Източните отци от ІV век.Тавор,София, 1999

Con­tact: e‑mail:

Kamen Kostov

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, Rus­si­an

Field of work: fic­tion, dram­at­urgy, human­it­ies, polit­o­logy, eco­logy

Short bio­graphy:

1989–91 – NATFA, cinema and tele­vi­sion dir­ect­or

1969–73 – VITIZ „Kr. Sara­fov”, theatre dir­ect­or

1961–66 – Eng­lish High School, Plov­div

Pro­fes­sion­al activ­ity

Trans­lat­or for the pub­lish­ing houses „Dami­an Yakov”, „Bard”, „East-West”, etc.

1988–1992 – dir­ect­or in Bul­gari­an Nation­al Tele­vi­sion

1973–1988 – dir­ect­or in the dra­mat­ic theatres in Stara Zagora, Gab­rovo, Yam­bol, Paz­ardjik, Varna, Rousse, Kardzhali

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Robert Brustein’s “The Theat­er of Revolt”,
  • 4 books by Noam Chom­sky,
  • Fran­cis Fukuyama’s “The Ori­gin of Polit­ic­al Order” and “Polit­ic­al Order and Polit­ic­al Decay”,
  • Richard Tar­nas’ “Cos­mos and Psyche”,
  • Tad Wil­li­ams’ “Oth­er­land” (6 volumes),
  • Gogol’s „Mar­riage”

Awards: Uni­on of Bul­gari­an Act­ors – for dir­ect­or

Con­tact: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​k​a​m​e​n​.​k​o​s​t​ov1;; mobile: 359/988723082