Lit­er­ary Trans­la­tion Sec­tion – one of the six sec­tions to Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on – gath­ers togeth­er trans­lat­ors of fic­tion from for­eign lan­guages into Bul­gari­an and from Bul­gari­an into oth­er lan­guages. Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on is a nation­wide professional-creative body aim­ing: to con­trib­ute to enrich­ment and devel­op­ment of Bul­gari­an cul­ture, as well as its present­a­tion abroad; to fur­ther inter­na­tion­al cooper­a­tion in the fields of cul­ture, sci­ence, pub­lic activ­it­ies, etc.; to rep­res­ent its mem­bers, to defend their rights and help towards achiev­ing a bet­ter image of the pro­fes­sion and a bet­ter pay­ment; to con­trib­ute to the high qual­ity of trans­la­tions in Bul­garia; to facil­it­ate exchange of exper­i­ence and ideas among Bul­gari­an trans­lat­ors.

Since April 2019 as the Section’s Chair­per­son was elec­ted Milena Pop­ova. Deputy Chair­per­sons are Vladi­mir Molev and Teodora Tzankova.