Teodora Tzankova

Teodora TzankovaWork­ing lan­guages: Span­ish

Field of work: con­tem­por­ary Spanish-language fic­tion and non-fiction in the human­it­ies

Short bio­graphy: Teodora Tzankova is a Research fel­low at the Insti­tute for Lit­er­at­ure and has been a part-time Lec­turer at the St Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia since 2004. She has a BA in Span­ish Philo­logy (2003), an MA from the Translator-Editor with Span­ish pro­gramme (2005) and anoth­er MA in Lit­er­ary Stud­ies (2007) at the St Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia. She holds a PhD from the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia for her dis­ser­ta­tion on The Por­trait in Lit­er­ary Modernism(Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, and José Martínez Ruiz – Azorín). Her interests are in the spheres of com­par­at­ive lit­er­at­ure and lit­er­ary trans­la­tion.

From 2013 to 2019 she has been Chair of Lit­er­ary Trans­la­tion Sec­tion at the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on. Since 2011 she is a per­man­ent rep­res­ent­at­ive of BTU at CEATL.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Ricardo Güirdaldes, Don Segundo Som­bra (Ergo, 2018);
  • Unai Elor­riaga, Un tran­vía en SP (Small Sta­tions Press, 2017); 
  • Javi­er Marías, The Man of Feel­ing (Colibri, 2017);
  • José Ignacio Tor­reb­lanca, ¿Quién gobi­erna en Europa? (Cri­ti­cism and Human­ism, 2015);
  • Javi­er Marías, Los enam­or­ami­en­tos (Altera, 2014);
  • Agustín Fernán­dez Paz, Aire negro (Small Sta­tions Press, 2013);
  • Enrique Vila-Matas, Bar­tleby y com­pañía. (Pan­or­ama, 2010);
  • Cam­i­lo José Cela, Madera de boj (Fama, 2009);
  • Jorge Luis Borges, El libro de los seres ima­gin­ari­os (Fama, 2008);
  • Tomás Eloy Martínez, “Peri­od­ismo y nar­ra­ción: desafíos para el siglo XXI” and “Fic­ción, his­tor­ia, peri­od­ismo: límites y márgenes” // Lit­er­at­urata magazine, v. 4, pp. 31–60;
  • Néstor Gar­cía Can­clini, “Noti­cias recientes sobre la hibrid­iza­ción”; Beat­riz Sarlo, “Jóvenes”, “El centro comer­cial” // Lit­er­at­urata magazine, v. 3, pp. 104–140;


  • Prize of the Min­istry of Cul­ture for Con­tri­bu­tion to the Bul­gari­an Cul­ture on the occa­sion of 24th May: Bul­gari­an Edu­ca­tion and Cul­ture and Slavon­ic Lit­er­at­ure Day, 2009;
  • First Prize for the trans­la­tion of El libro de los seres ima­gin­ari­os by Jorge Luis Borges on a com­pet­i­tion organ­ized by the Fac­ulty of Clas­sic­al and Mod­ern Philo­lo­gies on the occa­sion of the 120 anniversary of Sofia Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”;
