Field of work: contemporary Spanish-language fiction and non-fiction in the humanities
Short biography: Teodora Tzankova is a Research fellow at the Institute for Literature and has been a part-time Lecturer at the St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia since 2004. She has a BA in Spanish Philology (2003), an MA from the Translator-Editor with Spanish programme (2005) and another MA in Literary Studies (2007) at the St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. She holds a PhD from the University of Sofia for her dissertation on The Portrait in Literary Modernism(Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, and José Martínez Ruiz – Azorín). Her interests are in the spheres of comparative literature and literary translation.
From 2013 to 2019 she has been Chair of Literary Translation Section at the Bulgarian Translators’ Union. Since 2011 she is a permanent representative of BTU at CEATL.
Selected translations:
- Ricardo Güirdaldes, Don Segundo Sombra (Ergo, 2018);
- Unai Elorriaga, Un tranvía en SP (Small Stations Press, 2017);
- Javier Marías, The Man of Feeling (Colibri, 2017);
- José Ignacio Torreblanca, ¿Quién gobierna en Europa? (Criticism and Humanism, 2015);
- Javier Marías, Los enamoramientos (Altera, 2014);
- Agustín Fernández Paz, Aire negro (Small Stations Press, 2013);
- Enrique Vila-Matas, Bartleby y compañía. (Panorama, 2010);
- Camilo José Cela, Madera de boj (Fama, 2009);
- Jorge Luis Borges, El libro de los seres imaginarios (Fama, 2008);
- Tomás Eloy Martínez, “Periodismo y narración: desafíos para el siglo XXI” and “Ficción, historia, periodismo: límites y márgenes” // Literaturata magazine, v. 4, pp. 31–60;
- Néstor García Canclini, “Noticias recientes sobre la hibridización”; Beatriz Sarlo, “Jóvenes”, “El centro comercial” // Literaturata magazine, v. 3, pp. 104–140;
- Prize of the Ministry of Culture for Contribution to the Bulgarian Culture on the occasion of 24th May: Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic Literature Day, 2009;
- First Prize for the translation of El libro de los seres imaginarios by Jorge Luis Borges on a competition organized by the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philologies on the occasion of the 120 anniversary of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”;
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