Pavel Atanasov Borjukov

Work­ing lan­guages: Span­ish

Field of work: Lit­er­at­ure

Short bio­graphy: He was born in the vil­lage of Vrabevo, dis­trict of Troy­an in 1941. He gradu­ated in Span­ish philo­logy from Sofia State Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”. He atten­ded a three-year course on His­tory of Arts in Havana Uni­ver­sity.

He worked in vari­ous spheres: In The Theat­er of Artist­ic Words in Sofia, trans­lat­or at the con­tin­gent of Bul­gari­an spe­cial­ists in Cuba, deputy edit­or in chief in “Bul­gari­an Syn­dic­ates” Magazine which is pub­lished in for­eign lan­guages, a cor­res­pond­ent of the news­pa­per “Trud” in Prague, edit­or at the pub­lish­ing house “Enlight­en­ment” etc. Since 2001 he has been a part-time lec­turer in Span­ish at Sofia Uni­ver­sity.

Apart from the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on he is also a mem­ber of the Inde­pend­ent Bul­gari­an Writers Uni­on, the Uni­on of Bul­gari­an Journ­al­ists and the Bul­gari­an Haiku Uni­on.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Cer­vantes and Cara­vag­gio (selec­tion and trans­la­tion from Span­ish of Miguel de Cer­vantes’ poetry),
  • ALLA („Bey­ond”, haiku poetry col­lec­tion with works trans­lated into Span­ish by the same author-translator),
  • Trans­la­tions of Span­ish poems pub­lished in lit­er­ary journ­als.


Awards from inter­na­tion­al com­pet­i­tions for poetry and short stor­ies
