Category Archives: Members

Anguelina Dimitrova

Work­ing lan­guages: Span­ish and French

Field of work: con­tem­por­ary Spanish-language fic­tion and non-fiction.

Short bio­graphy: Gradu­ated from St Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia in Span­ish Philo­logy. Report­er of Bul­gari­an New Agency (BTA) with Span­ish and French. Edit­or of the BTA’s magazine “Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy”. Trans­lat­or in the Bul­gari­an Embassy in Spain. Edit­or of the magazine “Bli­a­sak”. At present: freel­ance. Co-founder of the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on and the Asso­ci­ation of Spanish-speaking Journ­al­ists in Bul­garia.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Ser­gio Ramírez, Ton­golele no sabía bail­ar, Toni­press, 2023.
  • Javi­er Cer­cas, Terra Alta, Toni­press, 2023.
  • Mar­celo Luján, Sub­suelo, Toni­press, 2022.
  • Espido Freire, Lla­madme Ale­jandra, Toni­press, 2022.
  • Andrés Pérez Domínguez, El viol­inista de Mau­thausen, Toni­press, 2021.
  • Ser­gio Ramírez, Ya nadie llora por mí, Toni­press, 2021.
  • Jorge Volpi, La teje­dora de som­bras, Toni­press, 2020.
  • Mar­celo Luján, Moravia, Toni­press, 2019.
  • Jose Miguel Romaña, Armas secretas de Hitler, Ciela, 2017.
  • Gregorio Dov­al, Cas­u­al­id­ades, Coin­cid­en­cias y Serendipi­as de la His­tor­ia, Ciela, 2014.
  • Susana For­tes, Quat­tro­cento, Ciela, 2013.
  • Jesús Maeso de la Torre, La pro­fecía del Corán, Ciela, 2013.
  • Mari Pau Domínguez, La casa de los siete peca­dos, Ciela, 2009.
  • Mar­cos Aguinis, Toni­press, 2009.

Awards: Job sat­is­fac­tion.


Ana Nedelcheva Naneva

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish and Bul­gari­an

Field of work: Lit­er­ary and Film Trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy:


  • Bach­el­or of Arts in Eng­lish Philo­logy, Sofia Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”, Bul­garia
  • Mas­ter of Arts in For­eign Lan­guage Teach­ing Meth­od­o­logy, Sofia Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”, Bul­garia
  • Mas­ter of Arts in Arts Man­age­ment, Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plov­div, Bul­garia

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:


Bul­gari­an – Eng­lish

  • Zhana Veselinova, The Little Straw­berry Fairy, Cre­ateSpace Inde­pend­ent Pub­lish­ing Plat­form (Amazone​.de), 2017

Eng­lish – Bul­gari­an

  • Tommy Geen­wald, Charlie Joe Jack­son’s Guide to Extra Cred­it, Art­line Stu­di­os, 2016
  • Lisa Chaney, Coco Chanel: An Intim­ate Life, A&T Pub­lish­ing, 2015
  • Tommy Geen­wald, Charlie Joe Jack­son’s Guide to Not Read­ing, Art­line Stu­di­os, 2015
  • Shani Pet­ro­ff, Bedeviled: Daddy’s Little Angel, Art­line Stu­di­os, 2013
  • Daniel Smith, 100 Places You Will Nev­er Vis­it: The World’s Most Secret Loc­a­tions (chapters 52–77 and 90), A&T Pub­lish­ing, 2013

Films and Doc­u­ment­ar­ies

  • Return To Nim’s Island, Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures Inter­na­tion­al UK, 2013 – trans­la­tion
  • Love and Oth­er Drugs, 20th Cen­tury Fox, 2011 – trans­la­tion
  • Life and Debt, Stephanie Black, 2009 – trans­la­tion and sub­titles
  • Black Gold, Marc Fran­cis and Nick Fran­cis, 2009 – trans­la­tion and sub­titles
  • The Legend of the Drunk­en Mas­ter, Chia-Liang Liu, 2009 – trans­la­tion
  • Life in Cold Blood, ep. 2, BBC Nat­ur­al His­tory Unit, 2008 – trans­la­tion and sub­titles (without tim­ing)
  • Great Expect­a­tions, ep. 2–4, BBC, 2008 – trans­la­tion and sub­titles (without tim­ing)

Con­tact:, mobile: +359 897 26 88 02

Meglena Bodenska

Work­ing lan­guages: Swedish, Dan­ish, Nor­we­gi­an, Eng­lish

Field of work: Swedish fic­tion and drama

Short bio­graphy: Meg­lena Bodenska is a MA in Scand­inavi­an Stud­ies (1997) at the St Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia. Her Master’s Thes­is was on the dram­at­urgy of August Strind­berg. She has been a part-time lec­turer at the St Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia since 2007. She stud­ied Swedish lit­er­at­ure at Stockholm’s Uni­ver­sity in 1997 and spe­cial­ized there in the Styl­ist­ics of the Swedish lan­guage in 2006. Among her lit­er­ary trans­la­tions are both con­tem­por­ary Swedish authors (Per Olov Enquist, Ing­mar Berg­man, Mikael Niemi) and clas­sic writers (Hjalmar Berg­man).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Ing­mar Berg­man, Per­sona (List, 2018);
  • Hjalmar Berg­man, Markur­ells i Wadköping (Mat­com, 2018);
  • Mar­tina Haag, Det är något som inte stäm­mer (Era, 2017);
  • Hen­ning Mankell, Femte kvin­nan (Unis­corp, 2008);
  • Mikael Niemi, Pop­ulär­musik från Vit­tula (Zhar, 2005);
  • Lars Gust­afs­son, Dekan­en (Savre­men­nik Magazine, v. 3, 2004);
  • Per Olov Enquist, Livläkar­ens besök (Hemus Group, 2004);
  • Ing­mar Berg­man, En själs­lig angelä­gen­het (Pan­or­ama Magazine, v.2, 2001);
  • Ing­mar Berg­man, Sönd­ags­barn (Hemus, 2000);
  • Lars Norén, Och ge oss skug­gor­na (Bul­gari­an Army Theatre, 1999);


  • The Bulgarian-Swedish award Artur Lun­dk­v­ist 2002 for act­ive con­tri­bu­tion in the cul­tur­al exchange between the two coun­tries


Dimana Ivanova

Work­ing lan­guages: Czech, Slov­ak, French and Eng­lish.

Field of work: Trans­la­tion of lit­er­ary texts (both poetry and fic­tion both).

Short bio­graphy: Dimana Ivan­ova (PhD.) was born in Varna, Repub­lic Bul­garia, in 1979. She earned her Mas­ters in Slavon­ic philo­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Kli­ment Ochrid­ski in Sofia with a minor in French philo­logy. Since 2008, she has also been a reg­u­lar author of the Czech elec­tron­ic news­pa­per www​.ilit​er​atura​.cz. and since the year of 2014 to the year of 2016 has been a mem­ber of the edit­or­i­al board of news­pa­per San­ar­od­nik in Brat­is­lava. Her doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tion is about the com­par­at­ive aspects of Czech dec­ad­ent poetry and has been suc­cess­fully defen­ded in the year of 2011 at the Charles Uni­ver­sity of Prague. She is the author of two poems’ books Invit­a­tion for a Fath­er (Ergo, 2012) and Alpha­bet of the desires (Scalino, 2016). Her poems have been trans­lated in many lan­guages and pub­lished into numer­ous lit­er­ary journ­als and antho­lo­gies in Bul­garia, Czech repub­lic, Slov­akia, Mace­do­nia, Romania, Spain, Eng­land, Canada, Lat­in Amer­ica, USA and oth­er. She has worked as a teach­er of French in Slov­akia from the year of 2012 till the year of 2017. From the year of 2017 till now she is work­ing as a teach­er of Bul­gari­an lan­guage and lit­er­at­ure at the Bul­gari­an school Boy­an Maga in Lon­don.  She is also a mem­ber of the Czech alli­ance of the journ­al­ists, Bul­gari­an alli­ance of the trans­lat­ors, poetry move­ments Poetas del mundo in Lat­in Amer­ica  and Pars Artem in Slov­akia and the Czech-Slovakian Asso­ci­ation of com­par­at­ive lit­er­at­ure.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Tereza Riedlbauchová. Edna dalga nosht v Biskupov. Plov­div, 2011. Ed. Zanet-45. Trans­la­tion from Czech: Dimana Ivan­ova.
  • Peter Bilý. Sve­ti­at demon. Sofia, 2011. Ed. „Ergo“. Trans­la­tion from Slov­ak: Dimana Ivan­ova.
  • Eka­ter­ina Jos­i­fo­vová. Útla knižka. Kopčany, 2017. Ed. Forza Slov­akia. Trans­la­tion from Bul­gari­an into Slov­ak: Dimana Ivan­o­vová a Igor Kru­cov­čin.


  • Twice awar­ded with the Grig­or Len­kov prize at the Czech cen­ter in Sofia (for her trans­la­tions of the story “Kalok­agath­ia” of František Gel­ner and the poems of Kateřina Rudčen­ková);
  • Prize of the Bul­gari­an trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on for out­stand­ing achieve­ment in the trans­la­tion of Bul­gari­an lit­er­at­ure into for­eign lan­guage for her trans­la­tion of the poetry col­lec­tion “Útla knižka“ of Eka­ter­ina Jos­i­fova in Slov­ak (co-translator: Igor Kru­cov­čin).

Con­tact: e‑mail:


Gergana Fyrkova-Angelova

Work­ing lan­guages: Ger­man

Field of work: Lit­er­ary trans­la­tion; Film trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy: Ger­gana Fyrkova (1965) gradu­ated from the Ger­man Lan­guage School in Sofia in 1984. In 1990 she obtained a degree in Ger­man Philo­logy from the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski” and com­pleted spe­cial­iz­a­tions at Hum­boldt Uni­ver­sity (1987–1988), Ber­lin and the European Uni­ver­sity Viad­rina Frank­furt (Oder) (2016). She received her Ph.D. degree from the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia in 2017. Her first Bul­gari­an trans­la­tions (Rudolf Arnheim’s “Cinema as Art” and “From Cal­igari to Hitler” by Siegfried Kra­cauer) were pub­lished while she was still study­ing Ger­man philo­logy. As a trans­lat­or, she is mainly inter­ested in film and lit­er­ary trans­la­tion with a focus on the lit­er­at­ure of the early 20th cen­tury (Franz Kafka, Robert Walser, Josef Roth) and mod­ern Ger­man lit­er­at­ure (Iliya Troy­an­ov, Dim­it­ar Dinev, Clem­ens J. Setz, Mari­on Post­man, Michael Kump­fmüller, Sasa Stan­is­ic). Along with her trans­la­tion work, she is also act­ive as a film crit­ic and journ­al­ist. Ger­gana Fyrkova has been teach­ing Ger­man lan­guage and Busi­ness com­mu­nic­a­tion at the Fac­ulty of Clas­sic­al and Mod­ern Philo­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski” since 1994. She is a mem­ber of the Asso­ci­ation of Bul­gari­an film­makers and the Asso­ci­ation of Bul­gari­an Journ­al­ists, co-founder and mem­ber of the Asso­ci­ation of Ger­man­ists in Bul­garia, and a mem­ber of the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium (EÜK) in Straelen.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Rudolf Arnheim, “Film als Kunst”: “Kinoto kato izkustvo”, Nauka I Iskustvo: 1989
  • Rudolf Arnheim, “Der neue Laokoon. Kritiken und Auf­sätze zum Film”: Noviy­at Laokoon. Statii i studii, Nauka I Iskustvo:1989
  • Siegfried Kra­cauer, “Von Cal­igari zu Hitler. Eine psy­cho­lo­gis­che Geschichte des deutschen Films: Ot Kal­igari kŭm Hitler. Psi­ho­lo­gicheska istor­iya na ger­manskoto kino, Nauka I Iskustvo: 1991
  • Franz Kafka “Heimkehr. Nov­el­len, Skizzen, Aph­or­is­men”: Zavrŭshtane u doma. Razkazi i frag­menti, Nar­odna Kul­tura Ver­lag: 1993
  • Ilija Tro­janow “Die Welt ist groß und Ret­tung lauert über­all”: Svetŭt e goliyam i spasenie debne otvsiyakŭde, Nar­odna Kul­tura: 1997
  • Dimitre Dinev, „Engelszun­gen“: Angel­ski ezit­si, Riwa: 2006
  • Pas­cal Mer­ci­er, Nachtzug nach Liss­a­bon, Nosht­en vlak za Lis­a­bon, Altera: 2009
  • Robert Walser, Geschwister Tan­ner: Semeistvo Tan­ner, Colibri: 2009
  • Joseph Roth, Hiob: Iov, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2011
  • Clem­ens J. Setz, Indigo: Indigo, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2014
  • Mari­on Poschmann, Sonnen­posi­tion: Slŭnt­sestoy­anie, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2016
  • Sasa Stan­is­ic, Vor dem Fest: Predi praznika, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2016
  • Robert Walser, Walser im Bur­eau: V kant­selar­iyata, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2017

Con­tact:; 0886124782