Dimana Ivanova

Work­ing lan­guages: Czech, Slov­ak, French and Eng­lish.

Field of work: Trans­la­tion of lit­er­ary texts (both poetry and fic­tion both).

Short bio­graphy: Dimana Ivan­ova (PhD.) was born in Varna, Repub­lic Bul­garia, in 1979. She earned her Mas­ters in Slavon­ic philo­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Kli­ment Ochrid­ski in Sofia with a minor in French philo­logy. Since 2008, she has also been a reg­u­lar author of the Czech elec­tron­ic news­pa­per www​.ilit​er​atura​.cz. and since the year of 2014 to the year of 2016 has been a mem­ber of the edit­or­i­al board of news­pa­per San­ar­od­nik in Brat­is­lava. Her doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tion is about the com­par­at­ive aspects of Czech dec­ad­ent poetry and has been suc­cess­fully defen­ded in the year of 2011 at the Charles Uni­ver­sity of Prague. She is the author of two poems’ books Invit­a­tion for a Fath­er (Ergo, 2012) and Alpha­bet of the desires (Scalino, 2016). Her poems have been trans­lated in many lan­guages and pub­lished into numer­ous lit­er­ary journ­als and antho­lo­gies in Bul­garia, Czech repub­lic, Slov­akia, Mace­do­nia, Romania, Spain, Eng­land, Canada, Lat­in Amer­ica, USA and oth­er. She has worked as a teach­er of French in Slov­akia from the year of 2012 till the year of 2017. From the year of 2017 till now she is work­ing as a teach­er of Bul­gari­an lan­guage and lit­er­at­ure at the Bul­gari­an school Boy­an Maga in Lon­don.  She is also a mem­ber of the Czech alli­ance of the journ­al­ists, Bul­gari­an alli­ance of the trans­lat­ors, poetry move­ments Poetas del mundo in Lat­in Amer­ica  and Pars Artem in Slov­akia and the Czech-Slovakian Asso­ci­ation of com­par­at­ive lit­er­at­ure.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Tereza Riedlbauchová. Edna dalga nosht v Biskupov. Plov­div, 2011. Ed. Zanet-45. Trans­la­tion from Czech: Dimana Ivan­ova.
  • Peter Bilý. Sve­ti­at demon. Sofia, 2011. Ed. „Ergo“. Trans­la­tion from Slov­ak: Dimana Ivan­ova.
  • Eka­ter­ina Jos­i­fo­vová. Útla knižka. Kopčany, 2017. Ed. Forza Slov­akia. Trans­la­tion from Bul­gari­an into Slov­ak: Dimana Ivan­o­vová a Igor Kru­cov­čin.


  • Twice awar­ded with the Grig­or Len­kov prize at the Czech cen­ter in Sofia (for her trans­la­tions of the story “Kalok­agath­ia” of František Gel­ner and the poems of Kateřina Rudčen­ková);
  • Prize of the Bul­gari­an trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on for out­stand­ing achieve­ment in the trans­la­tion of Bul­gari­an lit­er­at­ure into for­eign lan­guage for her trans­la­tion of the poetry col­lec­tion “Útla knižka“ of Eka­ter­ina Jos­i­fova in Slov­ak (co-translator: Igor Kru­cov­čin).

Con­tact: e‑mail: dimanaiv@abv.bg