Field of work: Literary translation; Film translation
Short biography: Gergana Fyrkova (1965) graduated from the German Language School in Sofia in 1984. In 1990 she obtained a degree in German Philology from the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” and completed specializations at Humboldt University (1987–1988), Berlin and the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (2016). She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Sofia in 2017. Her first Bulgarian translations (Rudolf Arnheim’s “Cinema as Art” and “From Caligari to Hitler” by Siegfried Kracauer) were published while she was still studying German philology. As a translator, she is mainly interested in film and literary translation with a focus on the literature of the early 20th century (Franz Kafka, Robert Walser, Josef Roth) and modern German literature (Iliya Troyanov, Dimitar Dinev, Clemens J. Setz, Marion Postman, Michael Kumpfmüller, Sasa Stanisic). Along with her translation work, she is also active as a film critic and journalist. Gergana Fyrkova has been teaching German language and Business communication at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology at the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” since 1994. She is a member of the Association of Bulgarian filmmakers and the Association of Bulgarian Journalists, co-founder and member of the Association of Germanists in Bulgaria, and a member of the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium (EÜK) in Straelen.
Selected translations:
- Rudolf Arnheim, “Film als Kunst”: “Kinoto kato izkustvo”, Nauka I Iskustvo: 1989
- Rudolf Arnheim, “Der neue Laokoon. Kritiken und Aufsätze zum Film”: Noviyat Laokoon. Statii i studii, Nauka I Iskustvo:1989
- Siegfried Kracauer, “Von Caligari zu Hitler. Eine psychologische Geschichte des deutschen Films: Ot Kaligari kŭm Hitler. Psihologicheska istoriya na germanskoto kino, Nauka I Iskustvo: 1991
- Franz Kafka “Heimkehr. Novellen, Skizzen, Aphorismen”: Zavrŭshtane u doma. Razkazi i fragmenti, Narodna Kultura Verlag: 1993
- Ilija Trojanow “Die Welt ist groß und Rettung lauert überall”: Svetŭt e goliyam i spasenie debne otvsiyakŭde, Narodna Kultura: 1997
- Dimitre Dinev, „Engelszungen“: Angelski ezitsi, Riwa: 2006
- Pascal Mercier, Nachtzug nach Lissabon, Noshten vlak za Lisabon, Altera: 2009
- Robert Walser, Geschwister Tanner: Semeistvo Tanner, Colibri: 2009
- Joseph Roth, Hiob: Iov, Funtasy Publishing House: 2011
- Clemens J. Setz, Indigo: Indigo, Funtasy Publishing House: 2014
- Marion Poschmann, Sonnenposition: Slŭntsestoyanie, Funtasy Publishing House: 2016
- Sasa Stanisic, Vor dem Fest: Predi praznika, Funtasy Publishing House: 2016
- Robert Walser, Walser im Bureau: V kantselariyata, Funtasy Publishing House: 2017
Contact:; 0886124782