Gergana Fyrkova-Angelova

Work­ing lan­guages: Ger­man

Field of work: Lit­er­ary trans­la­tion; Film trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy: Ger­gana Fyrkova (1965) gradu­ated from the Ger­man Lan­guage School in Sofia in 1984. In 1990 she obtained a degree in Ger­man Philo­logy from the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski” and com­pleted spe­cial­iz­a­tions at Hum­boldt Uni­ver­sity (1987–1988), Ber­lin and the European Uni­ver­sity Viad­rina Frank­furt (Oder) (2016). She received her Ph.D. degree from the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia in 2017. Her first Bul­gari­an trans­la­tions (Rudolf Arnheim’s “Cinema as Art” and “From Cal­igari to Hitler” by Siegfried Kra­cauer) were pub­lished while she was still study­ing Ger­man philo­logy. As a trans­lat­or, she is mainly inter­ested in film and lit­er­ary trans­la­tion with a focus on the lit­er­at­ure of the early 20th cen­tury (Franz Kafka, Robert Walser, Josef Roth) and mod­ern Ger­man lit­er­at­ure (Iliya Troy­an­ov, Dim­it­ar Dinev, Clem­ens J. Setz, Mari­on Post­man, Michael Kump­fmüller, Sasa Stan­is­ic). Along with her trans­la­tion work, she is also act­ive as a film crit­ic and journ­al­ist. Ger­gana Fyrkova has been teach­ing Ger­man lan­guage and Busi­ness com­mu­nic­a­tion at the Fac­ulty of Clas­sic­al and Mod­ern Philo­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski” since 1994. She is a mem­ber of the Asso­ci­ation of Bul­gari­an film­makers and the Asso­ci­ation of Bul­gari­an Journ­al­ists, co-founder and mem­ber of the Asso­ci­ation of Ger­man­ists in Bul­garia, and a mem­ber of the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium (EÜK) in Straelen.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Rudolf Arnheim, “Film als Kunst”: “Kinoto kato izkustvo”, Nauka I Iskustvo: 1989
  • Rudolf Arnheim, “Der neue Laokoon. Kritiken und Auf­sätze zum Film”: Noviy­at Laokoon. Statii i studii, Nauka I Iskustvo:1989
  • Siegfried Kra­cauer, “Von Cal­igari zu Hitler. Eine psy­cho­lo­gis­che Geschichte des deutschen Films: Ot Kal­igari kŭm Hitler. Psi­ho­lo­gicheska istor­iya na ger­manskoto kino, Nauka I Iskustvo: 1991
  • Franz Kafka “Heimkehr. Nov­el­len, Skizzen, Aph­or­is­men”: Zavrŭshtane u doma. Razkazi i frag­menti, Nar­odna Kul­tura Ver­lag: 1993
  • Ilija Tro­janow “Die Welt ist groß und Ret­tung lauert über­all”: Svetŭt e goliyam i spasenie debne otvsiyakŭde, Nar­odna Kul­tura: 1997
  • Dimitre Dinev, „Engelszun­gen“: Angel­ski ezit­si, Riwa: 2006
  • Pas­cal Mer­ci­er, Nachtzug nach Liss­a­bon, Nosht­en vlak za Lis­a­bon, Altera: 2009
  • Robert Walser, Geschwister Tan­ner: Semeistvo Tan­ner, Colibri: 2009
  • Joseph Roth, Hiob: Iov, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2011
  • Clem­ens J. Setz, Indigo: Indigo, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2014
  • Mari­on Poschmann, Sonnen­posi­tion: Slŭnt­sestoy­anie, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2016
  • Sasa Stan­is­ic, Vor dem Fest: Predi praznika, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2016
  • Robert Walser, Walser im Bur­eau: V kant­selar­iyata, Fun­tasy Pub­lish­ing House: 2017

Con­tact:; 0886124782