Parvan Yosifov Parvanov (Tcherkaski)

Parvan.CherkaskyWork­ing lan­guages: French and Bul­gari­an

Field of work: Trans­la­tion of fic­tion and poetry from French to Bul­gari­an and from Bul­gari­an to French; the­ory and cri­tique of lit­er­ary and poet­ic works’ trans­la­tion.

Short bio­graphy: French philo­logy with second spe­cialty Bul­gari­an lan­guage and lit­er­at­ure. Teacher/ lec­turer in Lom, Pomor­ie, Bour­gas, Sofia (Uni­ver­sity of Foresty) . Born in Tch­er­kaski vil­lage, Montana region. Spe­cial­isa­tions: Meth­od­o­logy for teach­ing French (Gren­oble); French lit­er­at­ure and civil­isa­tion (Par­is).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

French to Bul­gari­an:

  • The Romance of Tristan and Iseult” by Joseph Bédi­er
  • Sil­lages”, a nov­el by Ver­cors
  • Literary-critical her­it­age of Émile Zola (Volume VI)
  • Poems of Vic­tor Hugo (Volume VІІ)

Bul­gari­an to French:

  • Poems of Hristo Botev and Ivan Vazov


  • Awards from nation­al lit­er­ary con­tests for poet­ic cre­ativ­ity.


  • phone: 0877 37 27 02, 02/ 973 42 48