Maia Guenova

Maia GuenovaWork­ing lan­guages: Catalan, Span­ish

Field of work: Lit­er­ary trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy: Gradu­ated from Sofia Uni­ver­sity St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski, Sofia, Bul­garia, Depart­ment of Span­ish filo­logy 1965–1970. Stud­ies of Catalan  Lit­er­at­ure at the Bar­celona Uni­ver­sity 1994–1996. Trans­lat­or and inter­pret­er at the ema­bassy of Spain in Sofia, Bul­garia 1970–1985. Free lance trans­later 1990–2014.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

Lit­er­ary trans­la­tions from Catalan to Bul­gari­an

  • Amades, Joan; Les mil­lors lle­gendes pop­ulars , Ed. Selecta-Catalonia 1996. “Каталонски народни приказки”, Sofia, Ed. Bal­garski pisa­tel, 1999.
  • Ben­et i Jor­net, Josep M.; E. R., Fugaç, Lumen 1994: E. R., “Падаща звезда”, Sofia Bal­garski pisa­tel 1996.
  • Calders, Pere; Tots els Contes, J. Tremoleda, edit­or 1973. “Почти невъзможна любов”. Prof­izdat, Sofia 1989.
  • PPam­ies, Sergi, La bicicleta estàt­ica; “Статичен велосипед”, Ciela, Sofia 2013.
  • Rodoreda, Mer­cè, La plaça del Diamant; “Площад „Диамант“, Ed. Nar­odna kul­tura, Sofia 1986.
  • Rodoreda, Mer­cè, La plaça del Diamant; “Площад „Диамант“, Ed. Ciela, Sofia 2012; Edi­ció revis­ada.
  • Rodoreda, Mer­cè, Mir­all trencat; “Счупено огледало”, Ed. Galico, Sofia 1993.
  • Rodoreda, Mer­cè, El car­rer de les Camèlies; “Улица „Камелия”, Ciela, Sofia 2013.
  • Sánchez Piñol, Albert, La pell freda; “Хладна кожа”, Colibri, Sofia 2007.


  • 25th Edi­tion of ”Josep Maria Batista i Roca  – Memori­al Enric Gar­riga Trul­lols” Award, 2013 for con­tri­bu­tion to the pro­mo­tion of Catalan lit­er­at­ure in Bul­garia, Novem­ber, 2013 in Bar­celona.

