Working languages: Catalan, Spanish
Field of work: Literary translation
Short biography: Graduated from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria, Department of Spanish filology 1965–1970. Studies of Catalan Literature at the Barcelona University 1994–1996. Translator and interpreter at the emabassy of Spain in Sofia, Bulgaria 1970–1985. Free lance translater 1990–2014.
Selected translations:
Literary translations from Catalan to Bulgarian
- Amades, Joan; Les millors llegendes populars , Ed. Selecta-Catalonia 1996. “Каталонски народни приказки”, Sofia, Ed. Balgarski pisatel, 1999.
- Benet i Jornet, Josep M.; E. R., Fugaç, Lumen 1994: E. R., “Падаща звезда”, Sofia Balgarski pisatel 1996.
- Calders, Pere; Tots els Contes, J. Tremoleda, editor 1973. “Почти невъзможна любов”. Profizdat, Sofia 1989.
- PPamies, Sergi, La bicicleta estàtica; “Статичен велосипед”, Ciela, Sofia 2013.
- Rodoreda, Mercè, La plaça del Diamant; “Площад „Диамант“, Ed. Narodna kultura, Sofia 1986.
- Rodoreda, Mercè, La plaça del Diamant; “Площад „Диамант“, Ed. Ciela, Sofia 2012; Edició revisada.
- Rodoreda, Mercè, Mirall trencat; “Счупено огледало”, Ed. Galico, Sofia 1993.
- Rodoreda, Mercè, El carrer de les Camèlies; “Улица „Камелия”, Ciela, Sofia 2013.
- Sánchez Piñol, Albert, La pell freda; “Хладна кожа”, Colibri, Sofia 2007.
- 25th Edition of ”Josep Maria Batista i Roca – Memorial Enric Garriga Trullols” Award, 2013 for contribution to the promotion of Catalan literature in Bulgaria, November, 2013 in Barcelona.