Kaloyan Veselinov Pramatarov

Kaloyan.PramatarovWork­ing lan­guages: French, Eng­lish, Lat­in, Ancient Greek

Field of work: European fic­tion, Human­it­ies

Short bio­graphy:

2011–2014 – PhD in Ancient Thra­cian and Roman Archae­ology, Sofia Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”;

2008–2011 – MA in Ancient Thra­cian Archae­ology, Sofia Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”;

2003–2007 – BA in Archae­ology, Sofia Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”;

1997–2003 – Lan­guage High School “St. Sofia”, Sofia.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

In the field of belles lettres:

  • Schwob, Mar­cel, Le roi au masque d’or, SONM, 2013 ;
  • Roden­bach, Georges, L’Art en exil, SONM, 2011;
  • Nod­i­er, Charles, Contes fant­astiques, SONM, 2010 ;

In the field of human­it­ies:

  • Ser­gent, Bern­ard, Celtes et Grecs. Le livre des héros, SONM, 2011 ;
  • Dosse, François, La marche des idées. His­toire des intel­lec­tuels – his­toire intel­lec­tuelle, SONM, 2007;
  • Piarotas, Mireille, Des contes et des femmes. Le vrai vis­age de Mar­got, SONM, 1st ed. 2003, 2nd ed. 2006.


email: kaloyan.pramatarov@gmail.comsonm@abv.bg