Iliyana Chalakova

Iliyana ChalakovaWork­ing lan­guages: Por­tuguese

Field of work: lit­er­ary trans­la­tion (nov­els, poetry and theatre) from Por­tuguese to Bul­gari­an

Short bio­graphy: Iliy­ana Chalakova is born in 1980 in the city of Plov­div, Bul­garia. She is gradu­ated in Por­tuguese Stud­ies by the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski” and has a mas­ter degree in Trans­la­tion and Edi­tion by the same uni­ver­sity got after the defense of a mas­ter thes­is in the field of the Afric­an Portuguese-speaking Lit­er­at­ure. Chalakova fol­lowed a one-year spe­cial­iz­a­tion pro­gramme in Con­tem­por­ary Por­tuguese Lit­er­at­ure at the Uni­ver­sity of Lis­bon bene­fit­ting of a schol­ar­ship by the Por­tuguese Cul­tur­al Insti­tute and later got a second mas­ter degree in Women’s Stud­ies by Lisbon’s uni­ver­sity Uni­ver­sid­ade Nova de Lis­boa. Cur­rently, she is a PhD stu­dent in Con­tem­por­ary Por­tuguese Lit­er­at­ure and works on a dis­ser­ta­tion focused on the soci­olo­gic­al view in the lit­er­ary cri­ti­cism. Since 2005 she has been work­ing as eco­nom­ic journ­al­ist, trans­lat­or with Por­tuguese and assist­ant pro­fess­or in Con­tem­por­ary Por­tuguese Lan­guage and Cul­ture, Theatre Trans­la­tion and Eco­nom­ics Trans­la­tion at the Depart­ment of Span­ish and Por­tuguese Stud­ies of the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”. Chalakova has pub­lic­a­tions and interests in the field of the gender view through the body code in the Por­tuguese Lit­er­at­ure, Con­tem­por­ary Por­tuguese Dram­at­urgy and Afric­an Portuguese-speaking Lit­er­at­ure. She has been a par­ti­cipant in con­fer­ences in the field of the Portuguese-speaking Stud­ies in Bul­garia and abroad.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • José Sara­mago, See­ing, Sofia: Colibri, 2013;
  • Alex­an­dre Her­cu­lano, Legends and Nar­rat­ives, Sofia: Altera, 2011;
  • Myth­o­logy and gender in Pen­thesilea”, Lit­er­at­ure Journ­al nº 8, 29.02–6.03.2012;
  • Gender mosa­ic”, Pages Magazine, nº 3, 2008.


  • Bul­garia, 4000 Plov­div, 13ª, Aleksandar Pushkin Str., floor 3, ap. 7
  • tel. + 359 888 78 66 07
  • e‑mail:
  • skype: trinca.pintosi