Darin Tenev

Work­ing lan­guages: Japan­ese, Eng­lish, French

Trans­la­tion Field: Lit­er­at­ure, The­ory, Philo­sophy

Short bio­graphy: Dar­in Tenev is an asso­ci­ate pro­fess­or at the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski”. He is also a dir­ect­or of the Insti­tute for Crit­ic­al Social Stud­ies. He has bach­el­or degree in Bul­gari­an Philo­logy and Japan­ese Stud­ies and Mas­ter Degree in Lit­er­ary Stud­ies. He holds a PhD in Lit­er­ary The­ory. He has pub­lished two books: Fic­tion and Image (2012) and Digres­sions. Essays on Jacques Der­rida (2013).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions in Bul­gari­an:

  • Tanikawa Shuntaro, Patuvane, Sofia: Lit­av­ra, 2001.
  • Ern­esto Laclau, Emancipation(s), Sofia: Lit­av­ra, 2004.
  • Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human (a nov­el), In: No Longer Human and oth­er stor­ies, Sofia: Altera, 2011.
