Aneta Dantcheva-Manolova

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, French, Dutch and Rus­si­an; read­ing skills in Hindi

Field of work: Lit­er­ary trans­la­tion – Dutch and Flem­ish poetry and prose; Film trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy:

  • Born in Sofia.
  • The “St. Kli­ment Ochrid­sky” Uni­ver­sity of Sofia - Journ­al­ism; Dutch lan­guage (a second spe­cialty).
  • Course “Dutch lan­guage and cul­ture” in the Neth­er­lands (The Nijen­rode Uni­ver­sity, Breuk­elen), 1989.
  • Works for the Bul­gari­an Nation­al Tele­vi­sion – Depart­ment “Films and For­eign pro­grams”.
  • Trans­lated for the tele­vi­sion fea­ture films, series, doc­u­ment­ar­ies (incl. George Orwell’s “1984”).
  • Inter­view for the Dutch news­pa­per “NRC Han­dels­blad” as a trans­lat­or.
  • Author/lector of Course “Bel­gi­um and Hol­land – Lan­guage, Cul­ture and Soci­ety” – New Bul­gari­an Uni­ver­sity, Sofia (1998).
  • Trans­lat­or and super­vising edit­or of four Dutch and Flem­ish issues of the lit­er­ary magazine “Pla­mak”.
  • Trans­lat­or of the poem “Het weer” by Hugo Claus for The Bel­gian Poetry Wall in Sofia”.
  • Cor­res­pond­ent for Bul­garia of the Dutch radio (since Janu­ary 1998).
  • A por­trait on the Dutch radio as a cor­res­pond­ent, author and trans­lat­or (2, August, 2002).
  • A pub­lic­a­tion “Lit­erair ver­talen in Bul­gar­ije – een geluk of een nacht­mer­rie” (“Trans­la­tion in Bul­garia: a hap­pi­ness or a night­mare?”), lit­er­ary magazine “Filter”(2010, Utrecht, The Neth­er­lands).
  • Trans­la­tion of “Bel­gie op het eer­ste gezicht”(2012, Bel­gi­um).
  • Mem­ber of Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on.
  • Mem­ber of the Uni­on of the Bul­gari­an journ­al­ists.
  • Mem­ber of The Bel­gian Social Club by the Bel­gian embassy in Bul­garia.
  • Mem­ber of De Maatschap­pij der Neder­landse let­ter­kunde (Soci­ety for Dutch Lit­er­at­ure).
  • Officer in the order of Leo­pold II (Bestow­ing in 2007).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:  Books from Dutch lan­guage:

  • Turks fruit, a nov­el, Jan Wolk­ers;
  • Zeesteen, a choice from the poetry of Hans van de Waarsen­burg;
  • De jager heeft een zoon, poetry, Jozef Deleu;
  • Het museum van aller­daagse leven, a choice of poems by Willem M. Rogge­man;
  • Kleine raad­sels, a choice of novel­las and short stor­ies by Louis Couper­us;
  • Het Ver­lan­gen, a nov­el, Hugo Claus;
  • De ogen en de roep, selec­ted poems, bilin­gua, Eddy van Vliet;
  • De kleur­en van de droom, selec­ted poems, Willem M. Rogge­man;
  • De wetten, a nov­el, Con­nie Pal­men;
  • De Eetclub, a nov­el, Saskia Noort;
  • Menuet, a nov­el, Louis Paul Boon;
  • Kosovo: de uit­gestelde oor­log, non-fiction, Ray­mond Detrez;
  • Rituelen, a nov­el, Cees Noote­boom;
  • Een schitt­er­end gebrek, a nov­el, Arthur Jap­in;
  • Ser­en­ade, a nov­el, Leon de Winter;
  • Wel­doen­ers, a nov­el, Els de Groen;
  • Grote Europese roman, a nov­el, Koen Peeters;
  • Mr. Fin­ney en de wereld op zijn kop, Lauren­tien van Oran­je;
  • Goden cirkel , selectd stor­ies, M.A. Biesheuvel.


  • Annu­al prize of the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on, 2013, for Grote Europese roman by Koen Peeters
