Ivanka Tomova

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish

Field of work:  Trans­la­tion from Eng­lish into Bul­gari­an of fic­tion and non-fiction books

Short bio­graphy: I stud­ied Eng­lish Lan­guage and Lit­er­at­ure at Sofia Uni­ver­sity. My first job after gradu­ation was with the Bul­gari­an Tele­graph Agency. After that I worked as an edit­or for a lit­er­ary magazine pub­lished by the Uni­on of Bul­gari­an Writers. Later I joined Petar Ber­on Pub­lish­ing House and since 2001 I have been work­ing for CIELA Pub­lish­ers.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Kramer vs. Kramer by Avery Cor­man;
  • Rich Man, Poor Man and Beg­gar­man, Thief by Irwin Shaw;
  • The Jew­el in the Crown by Paul Scott;
  • Wait­ing for the Bar­bar­i­ans by J. M. Coet­zee;
  • The Ball­room of Romance by Wil­li­am Tre­vor;
  • The Struc­ture of Sci­entif­ic Revolu­tions by Thomas S. Kuhn;
  • Out­line of Amer­ic­an His­tory;
  • Geo­graphy of the United States


  • Annu­al Award of Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on for best trans­la­tion of The Struc­ture of Sci­entif­ic Revolu­tion by Thomas S. Kuhn.
