Aglika Yossifova Markova

Aglika.MarkovaWork­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, Rus­si­an, Ger­man

Field of work: Lit­er­ary trans­la­tion, inter­pret­ing

Short bio­graphy: b. 1942; MSc/Hons, “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski” Uni­ver­sity of Sofia, Bul­garia.Trans­lat­or into Bul­gari­an of 41 books, mainly fic­tion, 12 plays and numer­ous short stor­ies by English-language writers. Her first trans­lated nov­el was Evelyn Waugh’s “Put Out More Flags”, pub­lished in 1977.  She has since trans­lated most of  E. Waugh’s nov­els, and some of his short stor­ies (pub­lished in the “Suvre­men­nik” peri­od­ic­al).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions: Her oth­er trans­la­tions include works by Nad­in Gordi­mer, Kurt Von­neguth, John Gals­worthy, J.M. Cout­see, V.C. Nai­pol, James Mor­ri­er, Iris Mur­doch. She has intro­duced to the Bul­gari­an read­ing pub­lic the out­stand­ing Irish author John McGa­hern, with two of his major works, “Amongst Women” (pub­lished by “Altera” in 2013) and “That They May Face the Rising Sun” (under print). Also under print are her trans­la­tions of Orlando Figes “Natasha’s Dance” (“RIVA”) and untrans­lated short stor­ies by O. Henry (“FAMA+”)


  • 2006, Award by the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on for her trans­la­tion of                                       Amer­ic­an His­tory ASAP by Alan Axel­rod
  • 2011, Spe­cial Award of the “Eliza­beth Kostova” Found­a­tion for her trans­la­tion of                      Life, Accord­ing to Lub­ka by Laurie Gra­ham
