Petko Todorov Hinov

Petko_Hinov_Foshan_2011Work­ing lan­guages: Chinese, Clas­sic­al Chinese, Eng­lish, Rus­si­an, Romani­an, Ser­bi­an, Old Bul­gari­an and Church Slavon­ic

Field of work: lit­er­at­ure (poetry and prose, mainly clas­sic­al) and human­it­ies (philo­sophy, reli­gion, etc.).

Short Bio­graphy: Born in Plov­div on Septem­ber 4, 1972. In 1991, he gradu­ated from the Eng­lish Lan­guage School of Plov­div. In 1996, he gradu­ated from Sofia Uni­ver­sity as a MA in sino­logy, with a second major in Romani­an Stud­ies. Trans­lat­or, author and edit­or of Chris­ti­an lit­er­at­ure at St. Luke Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia (1993–2010). Author of art­icles, travelogues and essays in the field of Chris­ti­an philo­sophy and theo­logy, lin­guist­ics and lit­er­ary stud­ies. Author of poetry, children’s stor­ies, the his­tor­ic­al and theo­lo­gic­al book “The New Mar­tyrs of Batak” (Sofia, 2006), also author of litur­gic­al poetry and hym­no­graphy in the Church Slavon­ic lan­guage. In the peri­od 2010–2013 he was an Eng­lish teach­er in Foshan, Guang­dong, China. From 2012 until now is a con­sult­ant and trans­lat­or from clas­sic­al and mod­ern Chinese lan­guage, Eng­lish and old Rus­si­an lan­guage in the “East-West” Pub­lish­ing House, as well as a freel­ance trans­lat­or, nar­rat­or of audiobooks, musi­cian and sing­er. Mar­ried to a Chinese lady, with two chil­dren.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

From mod­ern Chinese:

 From clas­sic­al and medi­ev­al ver­nacu­lar Chinese:

From Bul­gari­an:

  • Petko Hinov, The New Mar­tyrs of Batak. “Liv­ing Ortho­doxy”, NY 2013–2015

From Church Slavon­ic:

  • Akath­ist to St. Pho­ti­us of Con­stantinople, Sofia 2004
  • Akath­ist to the Miracle-working Icon of the Most Holy Theo­tokos “Joy of All Who Sor­row,” Sofia 2005
  • Akath­ist to St. Men­as the Great Mar­tyr, Sofia 2007
  • A Com­plete Vigil Ser­vice and Akath­ist to the New Mar­tyrs of Batak  (author, in Church Slavon­ic, trans­lat­or, in Bul­gari­an, Sofia 2007, 95 p.)
  • The Psal­ter, Sofia 2009, unpub­lished, 180 p.

From Ser­bi­an:

  • Bish­op Nikolai Velimirovic, I Believe in One God: Explan­a­tion of The Sym­bol of the Ortho­dox Faith. St. Luke Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia 2005, 102 p.
  • Bish­op Nikolai Velimirovic, Above East and West: Eight Philo­soph­ic­al Reflec­tions On the Ortho­dox Balkans. St. Luke Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia 2004, 42 p.

From Rus­si­an:

  • Theo­phan the Recluse, Short Med­it­a­tions for Every Day of the Year on the Church Read­ings from the Word of God, unpub­lished, Sofia 2005, 304 p.

From Romani­an into Church Slavon­ic:

  • A Ser­vice to Our Ven­er­able and God-bearing Fath­er Dimitri­os of Bas­ar­bovo. Sofia 2006

From Eng­lish into Church Slavon­ic: 

  • Isaac Lam­bertsen, Ser­vice to Our Ven­er­able Fath­er Hil­ari­on, Met­ro­pol­it­an of Kiev, Schema­monk of the Mon­as­tery of the Caves, Whose Holy Rel­ics Repose in the Far Caves. Sofia 2015
  • Isaac Lam­bertsen, Ser­vice to the Holy and Right-believing Vladislav-Stephen, King of Ser­bia. Sofia 2016


  • 2014 — Spe­cial Award of the year of the Uni­on of Bul­gari­an trans­lat­ors for excep­tion­al excel­lence in trans­la­tion, for the Bul­gari­an trans­la­tion from Clas­sic­al Chinese of the book “The Thirty-Six Strategems” and “Noc­turn­al Talks by the Fireside” (East-West Pub­lish­ing House)
  • 2015 — Nation­al yearly award “Hristo G. Dan­ov” of the Min­istry of Cul­ture for fic­tion trans­la­tion, for the trans­la­tion of “A Dream of Red Man­sions” vol.1 by Cao Xueqin.

Con­tact: / ; cell­phone: +359 893 397 702 ; skype: eli_christoff