CEATL’s Picture Contest “The Face of Translation”: Help us make literary translators visible!

CEATL, the European Coun­cil of Lit­er­ary Trans­lat­ors’ Asso­ci­ations, is call­ing on ama­teur visu­al artists to cre­ate sparky and clev­er pic­tures reflect­ing the exist­ence and import­ance of lit­er­ary trans­la­tions and trans­lat­ors, their chal­lenges, and their role in lit­er­at­ure. Any tech­nique from pho­to­graphy, draw­ing, print­mak­ing and paint­ing can be used – as well as any top­ic, as long as it is in some way related to lit­er­ary trans­la­tion.

One digit­al pic­ture per par­ti­cipant will be accep­ted. The con­test will be launched on April 23, The World Book Day, and the dead­line will be May 22. A 200-Euro vouch­er for din­ner and books will be awar­ded to the win­ner before Inter­na­tion­al Trans­la­tion Day, Septem­ber 30, 2016.

After the enthu­si­ast­ic response to our pre­vi­ous ‘Trans­la­tion, Every­where’ photo con­test and our ‘Spot the trans­lat­or’ video con­test, CEATL hopes that this new pic­ture con­test will appeal to many bud­ding visu­al artists!

Con­test rules:

  • All entries shall be sub­mit­ted to contest@ceatl.eu before 22 May 2016.
  • Only one entry per par­ti­cipant is allowed.
  • If the entry fea­tures any text in a lan­guage oth­er than Eng­lish or French, this text must be trans­lated into Eng­lish and/or French.
  • 300 dpi digit­al photographs/artwork scans (2–3 MB) in JPEG format are accep­ted.
  • CEATL reserves the right to use the win­ning pic­ture to pro­mote lit­er­ary trans­lat­ors, for instance, as the image for CEATL’s Trans­la­tion Day post­card. It is under­stood that the win­ner will give per­mis­sion for their pic­ture to be used for that pur­pose. Should CEATL wish to use oth­er pic­tures for pro­mo­tion­al pur­poses, the per­mis­sion of the artist/artists shall be reques­ted. CEATL will not pass the pic­tures to any third parties oth­er than CEATL mem­ber asso­ci­ations. CEATL will not use the pic­tures for eco­nom­ic profit.
  • CEATL will post all the con­test pic­tures to an open Face­book event page where every­body can ‘like’ their favour­ite one.
  • The CEATL jury will con­sider five pic­tures that col­lect the most likes by May 29, and will choose a win­ner from among them.
  • CEATL mem­ber asso­ci­ations may exhib­it the pic­tures and organ­ize press con­fer­ences pro­mot­ing the win­ning pic­ture.
  • CEATL del­eg­ates and hon­or­ary mem­bers are not allowed to take part in the con­test.
  • The win­ner will be announced in June 2016, and awar­ded a prize of a 200-Euro vouch­er for din­ner and books.
  • Offens­ive pic­tures will be removed from the con­test. The jury has the right not to award the prize, or to split it between two par­ti­cipants in the event of a tie. The jury will not enter into cor­res­pond­ence (or any oth­er con­tact) with par­ti­cipants about its decision.