Working languages: German
Field of work: Literary Translation, Humanities
Short biography: Ana Dimova was born on 30th June 1947 in Svilengrad. She graduated in German Studies from the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski in 1970. She taught German Linguistics and Translation Studies at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen from 1974 to 2014. She completed her doctoral research at Leipzig University, Germany in 1979; in 2006, she was awarded the title of Dr. Habil in Theory and Practice of Translation, and, since 2007, she has been full professor of German Studies. As a visiting professor she also taught at the University of Veliko Turnovo, the University of Sofia, Plovdiv University, and New Bulgarian University. She taught Bulgarian Language and Culture at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, from 1998 to 2001. She specialized at the universities of Vienna, Göttingen, Erlangen, Potsdam, and Bayreuth.
Selected translations:
- Hermlin, Stephan. Abendlicht. Stories.Sofia
- Weiss, Ernst. Der Arme Verschwender. Novel. Sofia
- Roth, Joseph. DieKapuzinergruft. Novel and Stories. Sofia
- Kraus, Karl. DieBüchsederPandorra. Essays and Aphorisms. Sofia
- Ransmayr, Christoph. Die letzte Welt. Novel. Sofia
- Assmann, Jan. Das kulurelle Gedächtnis. Sofia
- Celan, Paul. Die Niemandsrose. German and Bulgarian. Sofia 2001.
- Oroschakoff, Haralampi. Die Battenberg-Affäre. Novel. Plovdiv
- Fallada, Hans. Jeder stirbt für sich allein. Novel. Plovdiv
- Gruber, Marianne. Erinnerungen eines Narren. Ruse 2014.
Awards: Award for Literary Translation of the Austrian Ministry of Education and Arts
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