Working languages: French, English, Russian
Field of work: Translator of contemporary philosophy and European fiction
Short biography:
2010–2013 – President of Section Literary Translation at Bulgarian Translators’ Union
From 1993 – Editor in chief of SONM Publishers’ series: Rhizome (books in the field of humanities); Literary space (contemporary European fiction) and Feminine discourses (gender studies)
From 1991 – Free lance translator
MA in Philosophy and French Language and Literature as additive – Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – 1982–1987
French Language High School “Alphonse de Lamartine”, Sofia – 1976–1981
Selected translations:
In the field of humanities:
- Deleuze & Guattari. Kafka: Pour une littérature mineure, SONM, Sofia, 2009
- Ricœur, Paul. Parcours de le reconnaissance, SONM, Sofia, 2006
- Starobinski, Jean, Action et réaction. Vie et aventures d’un couple, SONM, Sofia, 2005
- Levinas, Emmanuel, Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence, SONM, Sofia, 2002
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, Vérité et existence, SONM, Sofia, 1997.
In the field of belles letters:
- Hoex, Corinne, Ma robe n’est pas froissée, Altera, 2014
- Chessex, Jacques. Un Juif pour l’exemple, SONM, 2013
- Hellens, Franz. Le Double et autres contes fantastiques, SONM, 2013
- Sarraute, Nathalie. Tu ne t’aimes pas, Savremenik magazine, Sofia, 1996
- Perrault, Charles, Contes du temps passé, Damyan Yakov, Sofia, 1992
1996 – Union of Bulgarian translators and Soros Center of Arts Prize for a translation of Mircea Eliade’s book Le Chamanisme et les techniques archaïques de l’extase.
I‑VI 2001 Paul Celan Translation Bursary for a stay at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna (for the translation of Emmanuel Levinas’ book Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence)