Category Archives: Members

Nadezhda Rozova

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, Hindi

Field of work: fic­tion and non-fiction

Short bio­graphy:

Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing

1987 – 1992 – MA in Indo­logy (major), St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity, Sofia, Bul­garia

1987 – 1992 – MA in Eng­lish lan­guage and lit­er­at­ure (second major), St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity, Sofia, Bul­garia

1982 – 1987 – Sec­ond­ary edu­ca­tion, Eng­lish Lan­guage School, Plov­div

Work exper­i­ence

1993 – Self-employed trans­lat­or, freel­an­cing for vari­ous pub­lish­ing houses in Bul­garia (Hindi and Eng­lish)

2000 – Head of pub­lish­ing depart­ment of East-West Indo­lo­gic­al Found­a­tion, 24 Pat­ri­arh Evtimii Blvd, Sofia, Bul­garia

2016 – Part-time lec­turer in ‘Trans­lat­or and Edit­or’ MA pro­gram, Fac­ulty of Slavic Lan­guages, St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity

1995 – 2012     Part-time lec­turer in Hindi (lin­guist­ics and trans­la­tion), St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity, Sofia, Bul­garia; New Bul­gari­an Uni­ver­sity, Sofia, Bul­garia


Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

from Eng­lish:

Jane Aus­tin, Emma, Mer­lin Pub­lic­a­tion, 1995; Enthu­si­ast, 2013.

Patri­cia High­s­mith, The Tremor of For­gery, Her­mes Pub­lish­ing House, 2000.

Jane Urquhart, The Stone Carv­ers, Zhar Pub­lish­ing House, 2003.

Yer­gin, D, Stan­islaw, J. The Com­mand­ing Heights, Ves­sela Lut­skan­ova Pub­lish­ing House, 2003.

Thomas Fried­man, Lon­git­udes and Atti­tudes, Ves­sela Lyut­skan­ova Pub­lish­ing House, 2003.

Wil­li­am Tre­vor, Death in Sum­mer, Ves­sela Lyut­skan­ova Pub­lish­ing House, 2003.

Wil­li­am Tre­vor, Feli­cias Jour­ney, Ves­sela Lyut­skan­ova Pub­lish­ing House, 2003.

Joseph O’Connor, Cow­boys and Indi­ans, Ves­sela Lyut­skan­ova Pub­lish­ing House, 2005.

Joanne Har­ris, blueeyed­boy. Pro­zorets Pub­lish­ing House, 2010.

Daphne du Maur­i­er, The Doll. Enthu­si­ast Pub­lish­ers, 2012.

Gil­lian Flynn, Gone Girl. Era Pub­lish­ing House, 2012.

John Grisham, The Rack­et­eer, Obsidi­an Pub­lish­ing House, 2012.

Khaled Hos­seini, And the Moun­tains Echoed. Obsidi­an Pub­lish­ing House, 2013.

Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being, Mil­leni­um, 2014.

Colleen McCul­lough, Bit­ter­sweet. Era Pub­lish­ing House, 2014.

Miguel Syjuco, Ilus­trado. Pro­zorets Pub­lish­ing House, 2014.

Sal­man Rush­die, The Moor’s Last Sigh, Colibri Pub­lish­ers, 2014.

Alice Albin­ia, The Empires of the Indus. Janet-45 Pub­lish­ing House, 2015.

Sal­man Rush­die, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, Colibri Pub­lish­ers, 2015.

Erica Jong, Fear of Dying, Obsidi­an Pub­lish­ing House, 2015.

Lauren Groff, Fates and Fur­ies, Obsidi­an Pub­lish­ing House, 2016.

Rose Tre­main, The Road Home, ICU, 2016.

Kate Mor­ton, The Lake House, Colibri Pub­lish­ers, 2016.

Henry James, Bosto­ni­ans, Colibri Pub­lish­ers, 2016.

Andrew Scott Berg, Max Per­kins: Edit­or of Geni­us, Colibri Pub­lish­ers, 2016.

Hisham Matar, The Ana­tomy of a Dis­ap­pear­ance, ICU, 2017.

Don­al Ryan, The Spin­ning Heart, Colibri Pub­lish­ers, 2017.

Chi­mera, John Barth, List Pub­lish­ers, 2017.


from Hindi:

In: Pea­cock Feath­ers (Col­lec­tion of Indi­an Prose and Poetry), Albatros Pub­lish­ers, Sofia, 1998.

Prem­cand, The Shroud (a short story)

Vajpey, U. The Pho­to­graph (a short story)

Vajpee, A. V. And the Fire Will Burn (a poem)

Vajpee, A. V. Well Raise Our Heads (a poem)

Vajpee, A. V. Dis­cern­ing (a poem)


In: The Blue Lake (col­lec­tion of short stor­ies), East-West Indo­lo­gic­al  Found­a­tion, Sofia, 2001.

Kam­lesh­war, The State­ment (a short story)

Kam­lesh­war, The Snake (a short story)

In: Birds (col­lec­tion of short stor­ies), East-West Indo­lo­gic­al  Found­a­tion, Sofia, 2001.

Varma, N. Night in Lon­don (a nov­el­ette)

In: The Unknown East (prose and poetry col­lec­tion), St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2001.

Himanshu Joshi, Killers (a short story)

In: A Woman in the East (col­lec­tion of short stor­ies), Sofia, 2002

Pushpa Sak­sena, Revenge (a short story)

Nilima Sinha, The Eight­eenth Vic­tim (a short story)

In: The New Face of the East, St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2006:

Rajendra Yadav, The Trophey (a short story)

Jas­vant Sigh Viradi, The Baloons (a short story)

Kum­var Naray­an, Who­ever sleeps (a poem)

Kum­var Naray­an, A strange day (a poem)

In: Prism (col­lec­tion of short stor­ies): East-West Indo­lo­gic­al  Found­a­tion, Sofia, 2011.

Ganga Prasad Vimal, The flowers talk (a short story)

Ganga Prasad Vimal, Ghost (a short story)

In: Women Chron­icles (col­lec­tion), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2011.

Alka Sarawgi, Laughter (a short story)

Sudha Aurora, Desert pho­bia or a desert ocean (a short story)

In: Europe magazine – 2012

Kun­war Narayn, Jyot­sna Mil­an, Uday­an Vajpey – poetry

In: Smil­ing Etudes (col­lec­tion of satires), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2013.

Hari Joshi, Why I don’t like Amer­ica (an essay)

In: Close and far away (col­lec­tion), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2014.

Krishna Baldev Vaid, Not everything (a short story)


From Bul­gari­an:

Mineva-Milcheva, J. The Dec­or­at­ive her­it­age of the paint­er Anna Hähn-Jossifova (1872–1931) – the col­lec­tion of Emil­ia Stayche­va; Pub­lished by Kwaz­ar Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2001.

Ljubomir Milchev-Dandy, Sofia Enigma-Stigma, Enthu­si­ast, Sofia, 2011.



Win­ner of Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on Award for Trans­la­tion of fic­tion (prose) for The Moor’s Last Sigh by Sal­man Rush­die, Colibri Pub­lish­ers, 2015

Win­ner of ‘Krus­tan Dyankov’ Spe­cial Trans­la­tion Award of the Eliza­beth Kostova Found­a­tion for the trans­la­tion of A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki (Mil­leni­um, 2014)


Vera Deyanova / Wera Dejanowa

Work­ing lan­guages: Pol­ish

Field of work: poetry, essay, drama; his­tor­ic­al, soci­olo­gic­al, theo­lo­gic­al texts

Short bio­graphy: Born 7th of March 1946, Sofia.

Edu­ca­tion: 1964–1969 – St. Clem­ent Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia, Fac­ulty of Slavic Philo­lo­gies – MA in Bul­gari­an and His­tory; 1976–1979 – Uni­ver­sity of Warsaw, PhD in Soci­ology and Cul­ture.

Pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence: edit­or of cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams of Bul­gari­an Nation­al Radio (1972–1993); edit­or of “Soci­olo­gic­al Prob­lems Quarterly” of Insti­tute of Soci­ology, Bul­gari­an Academy of Sci­ences (1996–2003).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Czeslaw Milosz – Zniewo­lony umysł (The Cap­tive Mind), Piesek przy­drożny (Road­side Dog), Na brzegu rzeki (Facing the River, Selec­ted Poems), Rok myśli­wego (The Hunter’s Year);
  • Zbig­niew Her­bert – Potęga smaku (The Power of the Taste, Selec­ted Poems), Bar­bar­zyńca w ogrodzie (The Bar­bar­i­an in the Garden), Mart­wa natura z wędz­idłem (Still Life with Bridle);
  • Rysz­ard Krynicki – Kam­ień, szron; Mag­netyczny punkt (Stone, Rime; Mag­net­ic Point);
  • Ewa Lipska – Wakacje miz­an­tropa (The Vaca­tions of the Mis­an­thrope), Droga Pani Schubert (Dear Mis­sis Schubert);
  • Tadeusz Różewich – Nożyk pro­fe­sora (The Professor’s Knife).


  • 1995 – Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on Annu­al Reward – for Ewa Lipska’s Selec­ted Poems
  • 1998 - Zasłużony dla kul­tury pol­skiej (Order Mer­it Cul­tur­al)
  • 2000 - Krzyż Kawaler­ski Orderu Zasługi Rzeczy­po­spolitej Pol­ski (Crux Hon­our­able of O.M. of the Repub­lic Poland)
  • 2004 – Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on Annu­al Reward – for Zbig­niew Herbert’s Selec­ted Poems
  • 2008 – Nom­in­a­tion for Christo G. Dan­ov Annu­al Reward – for Zbig­niew Herbert’s Still Life with Bridle
  • 2014 – Pol­ish Annu­al Reward of ZAiKS


Evelina Hein

Work­ing lan­guages: Chinese, Ger­man, Rus­si­an, Eng­lish

Field of work: Chinese Stud­ies,  folk­lore and folk reli­gions of East­ern Asia

Short bio­graphy: Evelina Hein is assist­ant pro­fess­or in Chinese Lan­guage and Cul­ture at Sec­tion of Chinese Stud­ies, Cen­ter for Ori­ent­al Lan­guages and Cul­tures, Sofia Uni­ver­sity “St. Kli­ment Ohrid­sky”, Bul­garia. She is cur­rently PhD-candidate at the same sec­tion, writ­ing her dis­ser­ta­tion on „The Cult of Mount Tai in Chinese Folk­lore and Reli­gious Tra­di­tions “. Her pro­fes­sion­al interests include folk­lore and folk reli­gions of East­ern Asia, trans­la­tion stud­ies, trans­la­tions in the field of the human­it­ies.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • The Chinese Dream of the Great Reju­ven­a­tion of the Chinese Nation by Xi Jin­ping, trans­la­tion from Chinese and com­ment­ary in cooper­a­tion with Todor Radev, Sofia 2015, “Iztok-Zapad” Pub­lish­ing House.
  • Com­mon Know­ledge about Chinese Cul­ture (In Chinese and Bul­gari­an), trans­la­tion from Chinese, Beijing 2014, Beijing Lan­guage and Cul­ture Uni­ver­sity Press.
  • Lexikon chin­es­is­cher Sym­bole: Die Bild­sprache der Chinesen“, (A Dic­tion­ary of Chinese Sym­bols: The visu­al Lan­guage of China) by Wolfram Eber­hard, trans­la­tion from Ger­man and foot­notes, Sofia 2005, “Iztok-Zapad” Pub­lish­ing House.
  • Reli­gions of China by Daniel L. Over­my­er, in: Reli­gious Tra­di­tions of the World, trans­la­tion from Eng­lish, Sofia 2005, “Iztok-Zapad” Pub­lish­ing House.
  • Chin­a’s Tra­di­tion­al Way of Health Pre­ser­va­tion by Zeng Qing­nan, Liu Daoqing, trans­la­tion from Eng­lish, Sofia 2004, “Iztok-Zapad” Pub­lish­ing House.
  • Open­ing the Dragon Gate: The Mak­ing of a Mod­ern Taoist Wiz­ard, by Chen Kai­guo, Zheng Shunchao, trans­la­tion from Rus­si­an, Sofia 2003,  “Iztok-Zapad” Pub­lish­ing House.
  • When Drink­ing Water, Remem­ber the Source – A Col­lec­tion of Chinese Pro­verbs and Pop­u­lar Say­ings, com­pil­a­tion and trans­la­tion from Chinese, intro­duc­tion, Sofia 2003, “Iztok-Zapad” Pub­lish­ing House.
  • Chinese His­tory: Ancient China to 1911 by Hel­wig Schmidt-Glintzer, trans­la­tion from Ger­man, Sofia 2002, „Lik“ Pub­lish­ing House.
  • The Unknown East – A Col­lec­tion of Asi­an Poetry and Prosa, Trans­la­tion from Chinese of Chapter I of the nov­el Look­ing for the unique and unre­peat­able one from the tri­logy The Bronze Age by Wang Xiaobo, Sofia 2001, Sofia Uni­ver­sity Press „St. Kli­ment Ohrid­sky“.


Koprinka Tchervenkova

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish and Rus­si­an

Field of work: Fic­tion, Law, Cus­toms, Trade, and Medi­cine

Short bio­graphy: Rus­si­an school, Sofia Uni­ver­sity

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

Tax Gloss­ary;

Books by Dani­elle Steel and oth­er (unpop­u­lar) authors;

Films at the Bul­gari­an TV from Eng­lish and Rus­si­an, and

Films from Bul­garia Films from Bul­gari­an into Eng­lish.



Zhela Georgieva

Work­ing lan­guages: Ser­bi­an, Croa­tian, Rus­si­an

Field of work: Fic­tion

Short bio­graphy: Zhela Geor­gieva has gradu­ated Slavic philo­logy (South Slavic lan­guages and lit­er­at­ures and Rus­si­an lan­guage and lit­er­at­ure). She has worked as spe­cial­ist, edit­or and pub­lish­er at the Nation­al Lib­rary “St​.St. Cyril and Meth­o­di­us”, at Radio Sofia, the nation­al broad­cast­ing com­pany, and at the Otechestvo Pub­lish­ing House. For ten years she was Editor-in-Chief of Pan­or­ama Pub­lish­ers and of Pan­or­ama Quarterly, both divi­sions of the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on and both spe­cial­ized in trans­lated lit­er­at­ure.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

From Ser­bi­an

  • Ivo Andric. The Bridge of the Drina. Uniskorp Publ. Sofia, 2010; 2 edi­tion – 2016
  • Bor­is­lav Pekic. The Man who Ate Death. Uniskorp Publ. Sofia, 2010
  • Dra­goslav Mihail­ovic. When Pump­kins Blos­somed. Nov­el and selec­ted stor­ies. Hristo G. Dan­ov Pub­lish­ing House, Plov­div, 1982; 2 edi­tion – Stigmati,Sofia,2009
  • Dra­goslav Mihail­ovic. Petriya’s Wreath. Nov­el. Nar­odna Kul­tura Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, NOLIT- Bel­grade, 1985; 2 edi­tion – Stig­mati, Sofia, 2009
  • Danilo Kish. Encyc­lo­pe­dia of the Dead. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2000
  • Danilo Kish. The Lute and the Scars. Fama Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2012
  • Meša Selimović. The Death and the Dervish. Nov­el. Black Flamingo Publ. Sofia, 2012
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Small­talk Place “Lucky Shot” . Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia. 2004
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Close One and oth­er stor­ies. Balkani Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2005
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Sky-Locked Atlas Novel.Stigmati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2007
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Dif­fer­ences. Stor­ies. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2011
  • Milorad Pavic. The Intern­al Side of Wind. Kolibri Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2007
  • Milorad Pavic. Second body. Kolibri Publ. House, Sofia,2009
  • Miroslav Pop­ovic. Fates. Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2007
  • Bora Stankovic. Impure Blood. Nov­el. Vodolei Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 19

From Croa­tian

  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic. Cul­ture of Lying. Anti-Political Essays. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia.1999
  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic. Amer­ic­an Dic­tion­ary. Essays. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia. 1999
  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic.  For­cing of the River Nov­el. Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia. 2002
  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic. Museum of Uncon­di­tion­al Sur­render. Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2004
  • Antun Sholy­an. Short Excur­sion. Nov­el. Nar­odna Kul­tura Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia,1981
  • Ranko Marinkovic. Arms. Stor­ies and nov­el­ettes. Nar­odna Kul­tura Pub­lish­ing House,  Sofia, 1978
  • Ivo Bre­shan. Act­ing Ham­let in the Vil­lage of Mrdusa Donja; The Death of the House mani­ger. Stage­plays. Series Theat­er.
  • Pre­drag Matve­jevic. Medit­er­anski brevi­jar. Kolibri Publ. House. Sofia, 2009
  • Velko Bar­bieri. Epi­taph of the Imper­i­al Gour­met. Faber Pub­lish­ing House. Veliko Tar­novo, 2010
  • Milen­ko Jer­gov­ic. Buick Rivera. Pan­or­ama Publ. House. Sofia, 2011
  • Igor Stiks. Eliah’s Chair. Pan­or­ama Publ. Sofia, 2013

From Rus­si­an

About 15 Books from Rus­si­an Writers, includ­ing Vladi­mir Korolen­ko, Kon­stantin Fed­in, Leonid Leonov, Veniam­in Kaver­in, Vasiliy Hazan­ov, Grig­or­iy Oster, Gayto Gazdan­ov.


  • Zhela Georgieva’s trans­la­tions have been awar­ded the highest nation­al and for­eign lit­er­ary Prizes.

Con­tact:; 02–898-86–89; 0876–51-79–78