Kamen Kostov

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, Rus­si­an

Field of work: fic­tion, dram­at­urgy, human­it­ies, polit­o­logy, eco­logy

Short bio­graphy:

1989–91 – NATFA, cinema and tele­vi­sion dir­ect­or

1969–73 – VITIZ „Kr. Sara­fov”, theatre dir­ect­or

1961–66 – Eng­lish High School, Plov­div

Pro­fes­sion­al activ­ity

Trans­lat­or for the pub­lish­ing houses „Dami­an Yakov”, „Bard”, „East-West”, etc.

1988–1992 – dir­ect­or in Bul­gari­an Nation­al Tele­vi­sion

1973–1988 – dir­ect­or in the dra­mat­ic theatres in Stara Zagora, Gab­rovo, Yam­bol, Paz­ardjik, Varna, Rousse, Kardzhali

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Robert Brustein’s “The Theat­er of Revolt”,
  • 4 books by Noam Chom­sky,
  • Fran­cis Fukuyama’s “The Ori­gin of Polit­ic­al Order” and “Polit­ic­al Order and Polit­ic­al Decay”,
  • Richard Tar­nas’ “Cos­mos and Psyche”,
  • Tad Wil­li­ams’ “Oth­er­land” (6 volumes),
  • Gogol’s „Mar­riage”

Awards: Uni­on of Bul­gari­an Act­ors – for dir­ect­or

Con­tact: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​k​a​m​e​n​.​k​o​s​t​ov1; kamkost@abv.bg; mobile: 359/988723082