Working languages: Polish
Field of work: poetry, essay, drama; historical, sociological, theological texts
Short biography: Born 7th of March 1946, Sofia.
Education: 1964–1969 – St. Clement Ohridski University of Sofia, Faculty of Slavic Philologies – MA in Bulgarian and History; 1976–1979 – University of Warsaw, PhD in Sociology and Culture.
Professional experience: editor of cultural and educational programs of Bulgarian National Radio (1972–1993); editor of “Sociological Problems Quarterly” of Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1996–2003).
Selected translations:
- Czeslaw Milosz – Zniewolony umysł (The Captive Mind), Piesek przydrożny (Roadside Dog), Na brzegu rzeki (Facing the River, Selected Poems), Rok myśliwego (The Hunter’s Year);
- Zbigniew Herbert – Potęga smaku (The Power of the Taste, Selected Poems), Barbarzyńca w ogrodzie (The Barbarian in the Garden), Martwa natura z wędzidłem (Still Life with Bridle);
- Ryszard Krynicki – Kamień, szron; Magnetyczny punkt (Stone, Rime; Magnetic Point);
- Ewa Lipska – Wakacje mizantropa (The Vacations of the Misanthrope), Droga Pani Schubert (Dear Missis Schubert);
- Tadeusz Różewich – Nożyk profesora (The Professor’s Knife).
- 1995 – Bulgarian Translators’ Union Annual Reward – for Ewa Lipska’s Selected Poems
- 1998 - Zasłużony dla kultury polskiej (Order Merit Cultural)
- 2000 - Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Zasługi Rzeczypospolitej Polski (Crux Honourable of O.M. of the Republic Poland)
- 2004 – Bulgarian Translators’ Union Annual Reward – for Zbigniew Herbert’s Selected Poems
- 2008 – Nomination for Christo G. Danov Annual Reward – for Zbigniew Herbert’s Still Life with Bridle
- 2014 – Polish Annual Reward of ZAiKS