Tag Archives: Bulgarian literature in translation

The novel Dilettant by Tchavdar Moitafov translated into French by Krasimir Kavaldjiev

moutafovThe nov­el Dilet­tant by Bul­gari­an mod­ern­ist writer Tchavdar Mouta­fov has just been pub­lished for the first time in French. The nov­el has been trans­lated by our colleau­gue Krasimir Kavaldjiev. The book has been pub­lished for the first time in 1926 in Bul­garia and is con­sidered emblem­at­ic for Bul­gari­an lit­er­ary mod­ern­ism.

In France the nov­el is pub­lished by Le Soupirail with the sup­port of the Bul­gari­an Nation­al Book Cen­ter under the Nation­al Palace of Cul­ture. Its present­a­tion is sched­uled for Fer­bru­ary 16 in the Bul­gari­an Cul­tur­al Cen­ter in Par­is.


An extract from Dilet­tant fol­lows:


Con­tin­ue read­ing