Iglika Vassileva

Iglika VassilevaName and sur­name: Iglika Vassil­eva

Work­ing lan­guages: .Eng­lish, Bul­gari­an

Field of work: lit­er­ary trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy: born 21 August 1947 in Sofia

gradu­ate of the depart­ment of Eng­lish Philo­logy with the Uni­ver­sity of Sofia


  • The Bul­gari­an News Agency
  • The “Pan­or­ama” Lit­er­ary Magazine
  • Nar­odna Kul­tura” Pub­lish­ing House
  • Zlat­orog” Pub­lish­ing House


Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Ulysses” by James Joyce
  • The Waves” by Vir­gin­ia Woolf
  • To the Light­house” by Vir­gin­ia Woolf
  • The Years” by Vir­gin­ia Woolf
  • Orlando” by Vir­gin­ia Woolf
  • Between the Acts” by Vir­gin­ia Woolf
  • A Room of One’s Own” and “Three Guineas” by Vir­gin­ia Woolf
  • Also titles by Vladi­mir Nabokov, E.L.Doctorow, Walt Whit­man, Paul Aus­ter, Iris Mur­doch, W.Somerset Maugham, Lawrence Dur­rell, Henry James, etc.


  • Win­ner of the PRIZE of the Uni­on of Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors for 1993, 1998 and 2004
  • Win­ner of the Prize of the Bul­gari­an Min­istry of Cul­ture for 1998 and 2004
  • Win­ner of the HRISTO G. DANOV Nation­al Award for Lit­er­ary Trans­la­tion for 2003 and 2004
  • Win­ner of the “Krus­ti­an Diankov” Prize for Lit­er­ary Trans­la­tion of the “Eliza­beth Kostova” Found­a­tion for 2008 and for 2011



Iglika Vassil­eva

12,Maragidik Street

Sofia 1505


Mobile: 0888323095

Home: (+359) 9442565

E‑mail: iglika.vassileva@gmail.com