Bulgarian Translators’ Union honours translator Iglika Vassileva

At the end of 2017 the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on organ­ised an even­ing ded­ic­ated to lit­er­ary trans­lat­or Iglika Vassil­eva and her inter­pret­a­tion of the works of Vir­gin­ia Woolf in Bul­gari­an. It was the twen­ti­eth anniversary of the first pub­lic­a­tion of Vassileva’s trans­la­tion of  To the Light­house  and a birth­day anniversary of the admired trans­lat­or.

Aca­dem­ics and crit­ics shared their views on Vassileva’s always per­cept­ive, thor­ough and inspir­ing work as a lit­er­ary trans­lat­or. Frag­ments from her trans­la­tions were read aloud. Vassil­eva her­self talked about her exper­i­ence in lit­er­ary trans­la­tion. The event was widely atten­ded and repor­ted on in the cul­tur­al press.

Iglika Vassil­eva

Iglika Vassil­eva is the Bul­gari­an trans­lat­or of almost all works by Vir­gin­ia Woolf: To the Light­house (1997), A Room of One’s Own (1999), Three Guineas (2001), The Years (2009), Between the Acts (2011), Orlando (2013), The Voy­age Out (2014), The Waves (2014), Lit­er­ary Essays (2015), Night and Day(2016), Jacob’s Room (2017), The Wid­ow and the Par­rot (2017)She has also trans­lated into Bul­gari­an works by James Joyce, John Ban­ville, Iris Mur­doch, Vladi­mir Nabokov, Paul Aus­ter, Lawrence Dur­rell and oth­ers.