Rossitsa Borisova Tacheva

Rossitsa.TachevaWork­ing lan­guages: French, Eng­lish

Trans­la­tion spheres: lit­er­ary fic­tion, essay-writing, psy­cho­logy

Short bio­graphy: Born en 1946 in Sofia, has gradu­ated from an Eng­lish Lan­guage High School (1964) and from the French philo­logy Depart­ment at Sofia Uni­ver­sity (1972).  More than 50 books trans­lated of Balzac, Maupassant, Flaubert, Céline, Albert Cohen, San Ant­o­nio, Jean Jeun­et, Kun­dera, Cior­an and many oth­ers.

Author of three books: Of dip­lo­mats and Men (1998), Domest­ic apo­ca­lypse (2000), So much for Scot­tie (2010).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Flaubert, Bouv­ard et Pecuchet
  • Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Voy­age au bout de la nuit
  • Jean Genet, Journ­al du voleur
  • San Ant­o­nio, Du Brut pour les brutes
  • San Ant­o­nio, Votez Béruri­er
  • Albert Cohen, Mange­clou
  • Mil­an Kun­dera, L’Immortalité
  • Mil­an Kun­dera, Les Test­a­ments trahis
  • Cior­an, Cahiers
  • Pierre Merot, Mam­miferes
  • André Comte-Sponville, L’Esprit de l’athéisme
  • Guy Corneau, Le Meil­leur de soi
  • Luc Ferry, Appren­dre à vivre
  • Simone de Beau­voir, Les Man­dar­ins

Prizes :

The Prize of Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on for:

  • Flaubert, Bouv­ard et Pecuchet (1985)
  • Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Voy­age au bout de la nuit (1996)
  • Cior­an, Cahiers (2006)
  • Simone de Beau­voir, Les Man­dar­ins (2013)

Prize Helikon for So much for Scot­tie (2010)

