Margarit Zhekov

Work­ing lan­guages: Ger­man, Eng­lish, Span­ish, Swedish, Hun­gari­an.

Field of work: Poetry, short fic­tion, essays, as well as theo­lo­gic­al, med­ic­al and philo­soph­ic lit­er­at­ure.

Short bio­graphy: Mar­gar­it Zhekov was born in 1963 in Haskovo, Bul­garia. A Uni­ver­sity of Sofia gradu­ate in Ger­man Lan­guage and Lit­er­at­ure, has spe­cial­ized in Theo­logy in Ger­many. Author of eight poetry col­lec­tions in Bul­gari­an: Spelling Beauty (Hr. G. Dan­ov Pub­lish­ing, Plov­div, 1990), Talk­ing to My Heart (Lit­er­at­uren For­um Pub­lish­ing, Sofia, 1992), Heav­enly Life (Lit­er­at­uren For­um Pub­lish­ing, Sofia, 1993), Bio­graph­ic­al Meta­phors (Lit­er­at­uren For­um Pub­lish­ing, Sofia, 1997), Natures (Lit­er­at­uren For­um Pub­lish­ing, Sofia, 2010), The Invis­ble Bar­ri­ers (Ergo Pub­lish­ing, 2011), Com­mu­nions (Lit­er­at­uren For­um Pub­lish­ing, Sofia, 2012) and Doomed Seas (Lit­er­at­uren For­um Pub­lish­ing, Sofia, 2013), as well as of the book Draw­ing Cool­ness – Bib­lic­al Motives in European Poets (Ogledalo Pub­lish­ing, Sofia, 2012). His poetry col­lec­tion Reflex­ion (2011) has been pub­lished in Span­ish by IMS Pub­lish­ing Asso­ci­ation in the USA. He trans­lates from and into Ger­man and Eng­lish, as well as from Span­ish, Swedish and Hun­gari­an. Mem­ber of Asso­ci­ation of Bul­gari­an Writers (since 1993), Europe Lit­er­ary Circle – Kapfen­berg, Aus­tria (since 2000), Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on (since 2006) and Bul­gari­an P.E.N. Cen­ter (since 2013).

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

  • Kierkegaard Dances Free­dom (2013, bilin­gual edi­tion: Bulgarian-English, trans­lated from Bul­gari­an) by Theodor Hristov;
  • Nomade auf vier Kontin­en­ten (2009) and Der Wel­tensammler (2007)  by Ilija Tro­janow;
  • The Med­ic­al Advisor (2006, par­ti­cip­a­tion),
  • Mäd­chen. 1000 Fra­gen, alle Ant­worten (2004) by Gaby Schuster,
  • Twenty Days in Bul­garia. Poems (2002, par­ti­cip­a­tion) by Gyula Illyés.


  • Svetlostruy Nation­al Prize for poetry in 1993 for his book Talk­ing to My Heart.
  • Nom­in­a­tion for the Hristo G. Dan­ov Nation­al Prize for trans­la­tion in 2008 for Der Wel­tensammler by Ilija Tro­janow.
