Working languages: Spanish and French
Field of work: contemporary Spanish-language fiction and non-fiction.
Short biography: Graduated from St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia in Spanish Philology. Reporter of Bulgarian New Agency (BTA) with Spanish and French. Editor of the BTA’s magazine “Science and Technology”. Translator in the Bulgarian Embassy in Spain. Editor of the magazine “Bliasak”. At present: freelance. Co-founder of the Bulgarian Translators’ Union and the Association of Spanish-speaking Journalists in Bulgaria.
Selected translations:
- Sergio Ramírez, Tongolele no sabía bailar, Tonipress, 2023.
- Javier Cercas, Terra Alta, Tonipress, 2023.
- Marcelo Luján, Subsuelo, Tonipress, 2022.
- Espido Freire, Llamadme Alejandra, Tonipress, 2022.
- Andrés Pérez Domínguez, El violinista de Mauthausen, Tonipress, 2021.
- Sergio Ramírez, Ya nadie llora por mí, Tonipress, 2021.
- Jorge Volpi, La tejedora de sombras, Tonipress, 2020.
- Marcelo Luján, Moravia, Tonipress, 2019.
- Jose Miguel Romaña, Armas secretas de Hitler, Ciela, 2017.
- Gregorio Doval, Casualidades, Coincidencias y Serendipias de la Historia, Ciela, 2014.
- Susana Fortes, Quattrocento, Ciela, 2013.
- Jesús Maeso de la Torre, La profecía del Corán, Ciela, 2013.
- Mari Pau Domínguez, La casa de los siete pecados, Ciela, 2009.
- Marcos Aguinis, Tonipress, 2009.
Awards: Job satisfaction.
Contact: a_dimitrova_@hotmail.com