Tag Archives: children's literature

Lilia Ratcheva-Stratieva

Work­ing lan­guages: Pol­ish, Ger­man, Eng­lish, French

Field of work: Trans­la­tion of fic­tion; The­ory, his­tory and cri­ti­cisms of trans­la­tion

Short bio­graphy: Lilia Ratcheva-Stratieva is the author of four fic­tion books for chil­dren.  An expert on children’s lit­er­at­ure, she has pub­lished more than 100 art­icles in this field in magazines, news­pa­pers and books in Bul­gari­an, Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Pol­ish, Chinese, Hun­gari­an and oth­er lan­guages.

She has served twice (1996, 1998) as mem­ber of the Inter­na­tion­al Jury for the Hans Chris­ti­an Ander­sen Award (the fore­most award for children’s lit­er­at­ure in the world) – the only Bul­gari­an to have been an Ander­sen jury mem­ber to date.

In 1987 and 1990 she was mem­ber, and in 1998 and 2000 Pres­id­ent of the Inter­na­tion­al Jury for the Janusz Kor­czak Award, Warsaw, Poland. For four years (2001 – 2004) she was co-editor (in a team of four edit­ors) of Book­bird, the journ­al on inter­na­tion­al children’s lit­er­at­ure.

She has worked in pub­lish­ing with respons­ib­il­it­ies mainly for children’s lit­er­at­ure. From 1979 to 1991 she was the presenter of a TV pro­gramme on children’s lit­er­at­ure, entitled “In the world of books”.

Since 2000 Lilia Ratcheva-Stratieva has been work­ing with European edu­ca­tion­al pro­jects based on lit­er­at­ure for chil­dren.

Selec­ted book trans­la­tions:

From Ger­man into Bul­gari­an:

  • Michael Ende – Die Zauber­schule und andere Geschicht­en (Училище за вълшебства и други истории), Sofia, Damy­an Yakov, 2011, 264 p.
  • Kirsten Boie – Nicht Chica­go, nicht hier! (Това да не ви е Чикаго!), Sofia, Pan­or­ama Plus, 2010, 110 p.
  • Jutta Treiber – Verge­waltigt (Франка), Sofia, Pan­or­ama Plus, 2010, 148 p.
  • Ren­ate Welsh – Das Vamperl (zusam­men mit L. Stratiev), (Вампи), Sofia, Gea Lib­ris, 2007, 111 p.

From Pol­ish into Bul­gari­an:

  • Jerzy Put­ra­ment, Wojna (Войната), Sofia, Par­tizdat, 1988, 367 p.
  • Jan Paran­dowski, Zegar sloneczny (Слънчев часовник), Sofia, Otechestvo, 1988, 192 p.
  • Jan Paran­dowski, Król zycia (Цар на живота), Sofia, Nar­odna kul­tura, 1986, 214 p.
  • Maria Kuncewiczowa – Tristan 1946 (Тристан 1946), Plov­div, Hr. G. Dan­ov, 1983, 279 p.
  • Jerzy Put­ra­ment, 20 Lipca (Атентатът във вълчето леговище), Sofia, Par­tizdat, 1983, 99 p.
  • Lud­wik Jerzy Kern, Fer­dyn­and Wspan­ia­ly, Zbódz sie, Fer­dyn­and­zie (Фердинанд Великолепни, Събуди се, Фердинанд), Sofia, Otechestvo 1981, 263 p.
  • Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz, Mefisto-Walc (Мефисто-валс), Sofia, Muzyka, 1981, 295 p.
  • Kor­nel Filipow­icz, Bia­ly ptak I inne opowiadania (Бялата птица), Plov­div, Hr. G. Dan­ov, 1980, 229 p.
  • Jan Brzech­wa, Aka­demia Pana Kleksa (Академията на господин Мастилено Петно), Sofia, Otechestvo, 1978, 87 p.
  • Bohdan Czeszko, Tren i inne opowiadania (Елегия), Sofia, Nar­odna Kul­tura, 1978, 262 p.
  • Juli­an Kawa­lec, Ziemi przyp­is­any (Отреден на земята), Sofia, Nar­odna Kul­tura, 1977, 148p.
  • Edmund Niz­iurski, Sposób na Alcybi­ade­sa (Способ за Алкивиад), Sofia, Otechestvo, 1976, 207 p.
  • Tadeusz Kon­wicki, Zwi­erzoczlekoupiór (Зверочовекопризрак), Plov­div, Hristo G. Dan­ov, 1974, 220 p.
  • Lud­wik Jerzy Kern, Fer­dyn­and Wspan­ia­ly (Фердинанд Великолепни), Sofia, Nar­odna Mladezh, 1972, 167 p.


  • Medal for Out­stand­ing Con­tri­bu­tion to Pol­ish Cul­ture
  • First recip­i­ent of the Inter­na­tion­al Award of the Pol­ish IBBY Sec­tion for Pro­mot­ing Pol­ish Children’s Lit­er­at­ure Abroad.

Con­tact: lilia.ratcheva@gmail.com