Name and surname: Aziz Nazmi Shakir, Aziz Tash (pseudonym)
Working languages: Arabic, Turkish, Ottoman, Bulgarian, English
Field of work: Poetry and fiction translations
Short biography: Aziz Nazmi Shakir was born Dec. 7th, 1973 in the town of Smolyan (South Bulgaria), where he finished “Ivan Vazov” High School of Foreign Languages. Subsequently (1992–1997) he graduated Arabic and Turkish Language and Literature at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In 1999–2004, he did a PhD in History of Sciences at Istanbul University. Since 2001, A. Shakir is an Arabic language instructor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Sabanci University (Istanbul). An accomplished translator and editor with more than a dozen translations of poetry and prose to his credit, he publishes both in Bulgaria and in Turkey.
Selected translations:
- 1999 “Насрещен вятър / İki Yönlü Rüzgâr”, Kemal Özer, poetry (translation from Turkish into Bulgarian), Orpheus Publishing House, Sofia;
- 1999 “Anthology of the Modern Palestinian Poetry” (translation from Arabic into Bulgarian with Maya Tzenova), Bulgarian Writer Publishing House, Sofia;
- 2003 “Osmanlı’da Bir Papaz: Günahkâr Sofroni’nin Çileli Hayat Hikayesi 1739–1813” (One Ottoman Priest: Life and Sufferings of the Sinful Sofronius – translation from Old-Bulgarian into Turkish), Kitap Publishing House, Istanbul;
- 2006 “Bulgarlara ve Bizansa Dair Bir Kitap” (A Book about Byzantium and the Bulgarians), Petar Mutafchiev (translation from Bulgarian into Turkish), Janet 45 Publishing House, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
- 2009 “След тебе няма “след”” (There Is No ‘After’ after You), Mahmoud Darwish, Poetry (translation from Arabic into Bulgarian with Maya Tzenova), Bulgarian Writer Publishing House, Sofia;
- 2010 В безмълвието на живота (Hayatın Sessizliğinde/In the Silence of Life), Aslı Erdogan, poetical prose (translation from Turkish into Bulgarian), Paradox Publishing House, Sofia;
- 2013 Седмица на милосърдието в Истанбул (İstanbul’da Bir Merhamet Haftası/ A Week of Kindness in Istanbul), Murat Gülsoy, novel (translation from Turkish into Bulgarian) Paradox Publishing House, Sofia;
2001: Grant of the European Cultural Foundation – Amsterdam, within the program for translations from Balkan to Balkan languages “In Transitum” for the project “Anthology of the Modern Turkish Poetry”;
2007: Grant of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State for participation in the International Writing Program (IWP) at Iowa University;
Mobile: 00359 889700287; 0090 5435203315;