Zhela Georgieva

Work­ing lan­guages: Ser­bi­an, Croa­tian, Rus­si­an

Field of work: Fic­tion

Short bio­graphy: Zhela Geor­gieva has gradu­ated Slavic philo­logy (South Slavic lan­guages and lit­er­at­ures and Rus­si­an lan­guage and lit­er­at­ure). She has worked as spe­cial­ist, edit­or and pub­lish­er at the Nation­al Lib­rary “St​.St. Cyril and Meth­o­di­us”, at Radio Sofia, the nation­al broad­cast­ing com­pany, and at the Otechestvo Pub­lish­ing House. For ten years she was Editor-in-Chief of Pan­or­ama Pub­lish­ers and of Pan­or­ama Quarterly, both divi­sions of the Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on and both spe­cial­ized in trans­lated lit­er­at­ure.

Selec­ted trans­la­tions:

From Ser­bi­an

  • Ivo Andric. The Bridge of the Drina. Uniskorp Publ. Sofia, 2010; 2 edi­tion – 2016
  • Bor­is­lav Pekic. The Man who Ate Death. Uniskorp Publ. Sofia, 2010
  • Dra­goslav Mihail­ovic. When Pump­kins Blos­somed. Nov­el and selec­ted stor­ies. Hristo G. Dan­ov Pub­lish­ing House, Plov­div, 1982; 2 edi­tion – Stigmati,Sofia,2009
  • Dra­goslav Mihail­ovic. Petriya’s Wreath. Nov­el. Nar­odna Kul­tura Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, NOLIT- Bel­grade, 1985; 2 edi­tion – Stig­mati, Sofia, 2009
  • Danilo Kish. Encyc­lo­pe­dia of the Dead. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2000
  • Danilo Kish. The Lute and the Scars. Fama Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2012
  • Meša Selimović. The Death and the Dervish. Nov­el. Black Flamingo Publ. Sofia, 2012
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Small­talk Place “Lucky Shot” . Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia. 2004
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Close One and oth­er stor­ies. Balkani Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2005
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Sky-Locked Atlas Novel.Stigmati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2007
  • Gor­an Pet­ro­vic. Dif­fer­ences. Stor­ies. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2011
  • Milorad Pavic. The Intern­al Side of Wind. Kolibri Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2007
  • Milorad Pavic. Second body. Kolibri Publ. House, Sofia,2009
  • Miroslav Pop­ovic. Fates. Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2007
  • Bora Stankovic. Impure Blood. Nov­el. Vodolei Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 19

From Croa­tian

  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic. Cul­ture of Lying. Anti-Political Essays. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia.1999
  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic. Amer­ic­an Dic­tion­ary. Essays. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia. 1999
  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic.  For­cing of the River Nov­el. Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia. 2002
  • Dub­ravka Ugre­sh­ic. Museum of Uncon­di­tion­al Sur­render. Nov­el. Stig­mati Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia, 2004
  • Antun Sholy­an. Short Excur­sion. Nov­el. Nar­odna Kul­tura Pub­lish­ing House, Sofia,1981
  • Ranko Marinkovic. Arms. Stor­ies and nov­el­ettes. Nar­odna Kul­tura Pub­lish­ing House,  Sofia, 1978
  • Ivo Bre­shan. Act­ing Ham­let in the Vil­lage of Mrdusa Donja; The Death of the House mani­ger. Stage­plays. Series Theat­er.
  • Pre­drag Matve­jevic. Medit­er­anski brevi­jar. Kolibri Publ. House. Sofia, 2009
  • Velko Bar­bieri. Epi­taph of the Imper­i­al Gour­met. Faber Pub­lish­ing House. Veliko Tar­novo, 2010
  • Milen­ko Jer­gov­ic. Buick Rivera. Pan­or­ama Publ. House. Sofia, 2011
  • Igor Stiks. Eliah’s Chair. Pan­or­ama Publ. Sofia, 2013

From Rus­si­an

About 15 Books from Rus­si­an Writers, includ­ing Vladi­mir Korolen­ko, Kon­stantin Fed­in, Leonid Leonov, Veniam­in Kaver­in, Vasiliy Hazan­ov, Grig­or­iy Oster, Gayto Gazdan­ov.


  • Zhela Georgieva’s trans­la­tions have been awar­ded the highest nation­al and for­eign lit­er­ary Prizes.

Con­tact: zhelage@mail.bg; 02–898-86–89; 0876–51-79–78