Tag Archives: Counterpoint/Contrepoint


The first issue of the new CEATL e‑zine is out!

Coun­ter­point is an e‑zine for every­one inter­ested in lit­er­ary trans­la­tion. Wheth­er you are a trans­lat­or, pub­lish­er, agent, research­er, stu­dent or journ­al­ist, or just have a gen­er­al interest in lit­er­at­ure across bor­ders, the European book mar­ket, and in the people that shape both, there will be some­thing in Coun­ter­point of interest to you.

The e‑zine reports on what’s going on inside CEATL, and it looks out­side as well. It present fea­ture art­icles about trans­lat­ors and trans­lat­ing and deal with the broad cul­tur­al, artist­ic and eco­nom­ic con­text of our work. The edit­ors intend Coun­ter­point to live up to its name and be a place where inde­pend­ent and some­times con­trast­ing voices come togeth­er and form a stronger and more enthralling whole, much like the art of lit­er­ary trans­la­tion itself.

Coun­ter­point is free of charge and pub­lished twice a year in Eng­lish and French.

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