Tag Archives: annual awards

The annual awards of the BTU for 2016

Annu­al awards of the BTU in the sphere of


Spe­cial Award for Excep­tion­ally High Achieve­ments

  • Silvia Bor­isova – for her trans­la­tion from Pol­ish to Bul­gari­an of the book of poetry Niewidzi­alna ręka by Adam Zaga­jew­ski, pub­lish­ing house for poetry DA, 2016
  • Krasimir Kavaldzhiev – for his trans­la­tion from Bul­gari­an to French of the nov­el Le Dilet­tante by Tchavdar Mouta­fov, Le Soupirail, 2016

Award for Out­stand­ing Achieve­ments

  • Van­ina Bozhikova – for her trans­la­tion from Romani­an to Bul­gari­an of the nov­el Viața lui Kos­tas Ven­et­is by Octavi­an Sovi­any, Para­dox, 2015
  • Dimana Ilieva – for her trans­la­tion from Eng­lish to Bul­gari­an of the nov­el Pos­ses­sion by A. S. Byatt, Agata‑A, 2015, and also ro Angel Igov and Valentin Kras­tev for their trans­la­tions of the poems in the nov­el
  • Maya Tzen­ova – for her trans­la­tion from Arab­ic to Bul­gari­an of the col­lec­tion of short stores Mad­man of Free­dom Square by Has­san Blasim, Janet-45, 2015
  • Svetla Kio­seva – for her trans­la­tion from Hun­gari­an to Bul­gari­an of the col­lec­tion of short stores Bruder­sz­aft by Edina Szvoren, Sonm, 2016
  • Stela Dzhele­pova – for her trans­la­tion from Nor­we­gi­an to Bul­gari­an of the play in verse Peer Gynt by Hen­rik Ibsen, Hemus group, 2016



for out­stand­ing achieve­ment of a young lit­er­ary trans­lat­or

  •  Alex­an­der Kostov, Rayna Rosen­ova, Kristina Dimitrova – for their trans­la­tion from Eng­lish to Bul­gari­an of the nov­el On The Road by Jack Ker­ou­ac, Para­dox, 2016


 Annu­al awards of BTU in the sphere of trans­la­tion of


Spe­cial Award for Excep­tion­ally High Achieve­ments

  • Blagov­esta Lingor­ska – for her trans­la­tion from Pok­ish to Bul­gari­an of Auto­port­ret report­era; Rwący nurt his­torii. Zap­iski o XXXXI wieku; Ten Inny, Sonm, 2015, and for the over­all present­a­tion of the Pol­ish report­er, pub­li­cist and thinker in Bul­gari­an


Award for Out­stand­ing Achieve­ments

  • Vladi­mir Gradev – for his trans­la­tion from Eng­lish to Bul­gari­an of Urn Buri­al By Thomas Browne, Com­munitas Found­a­tion, 2016
  • Lili­ana Simeonova – for her trans­la­tion from Lat­in to Bul­gari­an of Ant­a­podos­is; His­tor­ia Ottonis; Rela­tio de leg­a­tione Con­stantino­pol­it­ana ad Nice­phor­um Phocam by Liut­prand of Cre­mona, Iztok-Zapad, 2015
  • Nina Niko­lova – for her trans­la­tion from Ger­man to Bul­gari­an of Paradig­men zu ein­er Meta­phoro­lo­gie, Crit­ics and Human­ism, 2015
  • Stili­an Yotov – for his trans­la­tion from Ger­man to Bul­gari­an of Der Detekt­iv­ro­man; Die Anges­tell­ten by Siegfried Kra­cauer, Agata‑A, 2016

A dis­tinc­tion

Chris­tian­ity and Cul­ture journ­al cre­ated by Com­munitas Found­a­tion as an open space for a pro­found and well-informed con­ver­sa­tion on the prob­lems of spir­itu­al­ity and the mean­ing of Chris­tian­ity in our soci­ety – for its propensity to dia­logue and its abil­ity to present in excel­lent trans­la­tions the works of authors with dif­fer­ent reli­gious creeds and views from diff­fer­ent coun­tries and times


Award for Life-Long Achieve­ments in the sphere of trans­la­tion 

con­ferred only to BTU mem­bers

  • Rada Shar­landzhieva – for an excep­tion­al pro­fi­ciency and artistry in her lit­er­ary trans­la­tions from Eng­lish, Ser­bi­an, Croa­tian and French to Bul­gari­an and as an edit­or of trans­lated lit­er­at­ure

Spe­cial Award for Excep­tion­ally High Achieve­ments

in the sphere of trans­la­tion is giv­en (posthum­ously) to

  • Prof. Bog­dan Bog­dan­ov for his trans­la­tion from Ancient Greek to Bul­gari­an of Epi­ktētou diatribai by Epic­t­etus, NBU UP, 2015, Janet-45, 2016 and for his great mer­its for the pro­found and inspired present­a­tion of the Ancient thought and cul­ture in Bul­garia