Category Archives: News

The novel Dilettant by Tchavdar Moitafov translated into French by Krasimir Kavaldjiev

moutafovThe nov­el Dilet­tant by Bul­gari­an mod­ern­ist writer Tchavdar Mouta­fov has just been pub­lished for the first time in French. The nov­el has been trans­lated by our colleau­gue Krasimir Kavaldjiev. The book has been pub­lished for the first time in 1926 in Bul­garia and is con­sidered emblem­at­ic for Bul­gari­an lit­er­ary mod­ern­ism.

In France the nov­el is pub­lished by Le Soupirail with the sup­port of the Bul­gari­an Nation­al Book Cen­ter under the Nation­al Palace of Cul­ture. Its present­a­tion is sched­uled for Fer­bru­ary 16 in the Bul­gari­an Cul­tur­al Cen­ter in Par­is.


An extract from Dilet­tant fol­lows:


Con­tin­ue read­ing

Iglika Vassileva won the Main Krastan Dyankov Translation Award for 2015

We are pleased to announce that our col­league Iglika Vassil­eva won the main Krastan Dyankov award for her trans­la­tion of the nov­el “The Untouch­able” by John Ban­ville. Our heart­felt con­grat­u­la­tions to Iglika Vassil­eva! An excerpt from the nov­el was pub­lished in Dnevnik.

Con­grat­u­la­tions also to Bis­tra Andreeva who was giv­en the spe­cial award for the trans­la­tion of  “Pigeon Eng­lish” by Steven Kel­man.

This year’s judges were: Prof. Amelia Liche­va, Ass. Prof. Vitana Kostadinova and Prof. Vladi­mir Trenda­filov. The award cere­mony took place on 14 Decem­ber 2015 at the Red House Centre for Cul­ture and Debate.

The Krastan Dyankov Trans­la­tion Award is a prize giv­en annu­ally (begin­ning 2007) by Eliza­beth Kostova Found­a­tion for an out­stand­ing trans­la­tion of a nov­el of high lit­er­ary qual­ity from Eng­lish into Bul­gari­an. You can learn more about it here.

Copyright spells author’s rights

Bul­gari­an Trans­lat­ors’ Uni­on joins the cam­paign “Copy­right spells author’s rights” ini­ti­ated by Con­seil Per­man­ent des Ecrivains in France.

European writers are deeply con­cerned about the ongo­ing pro­ject for copy­right reform in Europe and have writ­ten an open let­ter to the EU author­it­ies call­ing on them to safe­guard authors’ rights, which guar­an­tee the free­dom to cre­ate and the vital­ity of European cul­ture. All writers, essay­ists, nov­el­ists, poets, authors of children’s books, com­ic artists, trans­lat­ors from all European coun­tries are invited to sign the online open let­ter, and all European writers’ organ­isa­tions are asked to join and pub­li­cise the ini­ti­at­ive.

Valentine Goby
Pres­id­ent of CPE (Con­seil Per­man­ent des Ecrivains)

NORLA’s Translator’s Award 2015 goes to Bulgarian literary translator Eva Kaneva

The Bul­gari­an lit­er­ary trans­lat­or Eva Kaneva is the recip­i­ent of NOR­LA’s Translator’s Award 2015 for her trans­la­tions from Nor­we­gi­an into Bul­gari­an. Dur­ing the cel­eb­ra­tion of the pat­ron saint of trans­lat­ors, St. Jerome, on 01 Octo­ber in Oslo, NORLA’s translator’s award was announced for the tenth time. The award is giv­en annu­ally to a trans­lat­or of Nor­we­gi­an lit­er­at­ure and was estab­lished to bring into the pub­lic eye the con­tri­bu­tion for­eign trans­lat­ors make to Nor­we­gi­an lit­er­at­ure.

Eva Kaneva (1985, Dobrich) holds a master’s degree in Scand­inavi­an Stud­ies from Sofia Uni­ver­sity. Des­pite her young age she is the author of more than twenty trans­la­tions. Among the authors she trans­lates are Hen­rik Ibsen, Sigrid Undset, Karin Fos­sum, Anne Holt, Jo Nes­bø, Hilde Hagerup and Endre Lund Eriksen. Her trans­la­tion of Sigrid Undset’s his­tor­ic­al saga Kristin Lav­rans­dat­ter has been widely acclaimed.

Read more here.